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SXS Unpacking
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Unpacks sxs file in current python version to then be imported by binaryBHexp
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mgRDB authored Aug 15, 2024
1 parent 97208f6 commit 3017bbd
Showing 1 changed file with 179 additions and 0 deletions.
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import sxs
import h5py
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

def spline_interp(newX, oldX, oldY, allowExtrapolation=False):
""" Interpolates using splnes.
If allowExtrapolation=True, extrapolates to zero.
if len(oldY) != len(oldX):
raise Exception('Lengths dont match.')

if not allowExtrapolation:
if np.min(newX) - np.min(oldX) < -1e-5 \
or np.max(newX) > np.max(oldX) > 1e-5:

print(np.min(newX), np.min(oldX), np.max(newX), np.max(oldX))
print(np.min(newX) < np.min(oldX))
print(np.max(newX) > np.max(oldX))
raise Exception('Trying to extrapolate, but '\

if not np.all(np.diff(oldX) > 0):
raise Exception('oldX must have increasing values')

# returns 0 when extrapolating
newY = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(oldX, oldY, ext=1)(newX)
return newY

def get_binary_data_NR(datapath):

data = sxs.load(f'{datapath}/Strain_N2')
t = data.t

# Set t=0 at peak of (2,2) mode amplitude. FIXME: Eventually, use all modes for
# this.
peak_time = t[np.argmax(np.abs([4]))]
t -= peak_time

# Get waveform in dict format
h_dict = {}
idx = 0
for ell in range(2, ellMax+1):
for m in range(-ell, ell+1):
h_dict[(ell, m)] =[idx]
idx += 1

# spin h5file
fspin = h5py.File(f'{datapath}/Horizons.h5', 'r')

# Get the BH spins
t_hor, chiAx, chiAy, chiAz = fspin["AhA.dir/chiInertial.dat"][()].T
chiA = np.array([chiAx, chiAy, chiAz]).T
_, chiBx, chiBy, chiBz = fspin["AhB.dir/chiInertial.dat"][()].T
chiB = np.array([chiBx, chiBy, chiBz]).T
t_hor -= peak_time # Apply the same time shift as the waveform

# Get the BH mass ratio
_, mA = fspin['AhA.dir/ChristodoulouMass.dat'][()].T
_, mB = fspin['AhB.dir/ChristodoulouMass.dat'][()].T
# Get the value from the midpoint of the time series. Because masses don't
# change significantly during the simulation, this is a good approximation.
mA = mA[len(mA) // 2]
mB = mB[len(mB) // 2]
q = mA / mB

# Get the coprecessing frame dynamics
data_copr = data.to_coprecessing_frame()
quat = data_copr.frame
# Following Eq.3 of
orbphase = (np.unwrap(np.angle([0])) - np.unwrap(np.angle([4])))/4
orbphase -= orbphase[0]

# So far we have data on two different time grids:
# t: the time grid of the waveform data
# t_hor: the time grid of the horizons data

# You shoud associate the following quantities with the ones in
# Keep in mind that in the surrogate case, there are time arrays nr_sur.tds
# and t_binary.

# h_dict: Waveform dictionary on t. This is like h_nrsur.
# chiA, chiB: Spin vectors on t_hor.
# q: Mass ratio.
# quat: Coprecessing frame quaternion on t.
# orbphase: Orbital phase on t.

##### Instructions for Ryan
# Step 1: Define a new time array t_binary that goes from t[0]+500 to t[-1]
# in steps of 0.1. The first 500 is dropped to get rid of what is called
# "junk radiation" during the initial stages where the simulation needs to
# settle.

t_binary = np.arange(t[0]+500, t[-1], 0.1)

# Step 2: Interpolate h_dict, chiA, chiB, quat, and orbphase onto this
# common time array. Use this function for interpolation:
# Here, keep in mind that t_hor ends when the two BHs merge, while t
# continues in the post-merger. So, to interpolate chiA and chiB onto
# t_binary, you should set allowExtrapolation=True in spline_interp.
# Also, there is a possibility that some of the indices for chiA/chiB have
# nan values, so check for that first
# ( and
# let me know if that happens.

# chiA and chiB are in the frame of t_hor
# h_dict, quat, and orbphase are in the frame of t

for i in h_dict.keys():
h_dict[i] = spline_interp(t_binary, t, h_dict[i])
orbphase = spline_interp(t_binary, t, orbphase)
quat0 = spline_interp(t_binary, t, quat.ndarray.T[0])
quat1 = spline_interp(t_binary, t, quat.ndarray.T[1])
quat2 = spline_interp(t_binary, t, quat.ndarray.T[2])
quat3 = spline_interp(t_binary, t, quat.ndarray.T[3])
quat = np.array([quat0, quat1, quat2, quat3]).T
chiA0 = spline_interp(t_binary, t_hor, chiA.T[0], allowExtrapolation = True)
chiA1 = spline_interp(t_binary, t_hor, chiA.T[1], allowExtrapolation = True)
chiA2 = spline_interp(t_binary, t_hor, chiA.T[2], allowExtrapolation = True)
chiA = np.array([chiA0, chiA1, chiA2]).T
chiB0 = spline_interp(t_binary, t_hor, chiB.T[0], allowExtrapolation = True)
chiB1 = spline_interp(t_binary, t_hor, chiB.T[1], allowExtrapolation = True)
chiB2 = spline_interp(t_binary, t_hor, chiB.T[2], allowExtrapolation = True)
chiB = np.array([chiB0, chiB1, chiB2]).T

# Step 3: Once you have the data on t_binary, follow the same steps as in
# get_binary_data() to compute L, BhA_traj, BhB_traj, and separation. Then
# return everything in the same format.

omega = get_omegaOrb_from_sparse_data(t_binary, orbphase)
LHat = surfinBH._utils.lHat_from_quat(quat).T
LMag = q/(1.+q)**2 * omega**(-1./3)
L = LHat*LMag[:, None]
separation = get_separation_from_omega(omega, mA, mB, chiA, \
chiB, LHat)
BhA_traj = get_trajectory(separation * mB, quat, orbphase, 'A')
BhB_traj = get_trajectory(separation * mA, quat, orbphase, 'B')
return t_binary, chiA, chiB, L, h_dict, BhA_traj, \
BhB_traj, separation

# Step 4: Once all of this is done, you can switch get_binary_data() for
# get_binary_data_NR() in the code and it should just work.

QmAmB = np.array([q, mA, mB])

np.savetxt("t.csv", t, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt("t_hor.csv", t_hor, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt("orbphase.csv", orbphase, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt("quat.csv", quat, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt("chiA.csv", chiA, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt("chiB.csv", chiB, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt("QmAmB.csv", QmAmB, delimiter = ",")

for first in range(2, 5):
for second in range(-first, first+1):
np.savetxt("h_dict(" + str(first) + str(second) + ").csv", h_dict[(first, second)], delimiter = ",")

# This is an equal-mass, non-spinning simulation with ecc=0.45
datapath = 'SimulationAnnex/Private/AEI_Eccentric/BBH_SHK_q1_0_0_e01_D16/Lev3'

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