Demonstrating the use of KYC Verifiable Credentials.
This application is a demo and is not meant to be used in production.
This repository provides the frontend of an application to be used as a demo illustrating how KYC Verifiable Credentials can be requested by applications.
It allows the following:
- Connect the user with a Verida Identity
- Request the user to provide KYC proof as a Verifiable Credential
- Provide a link to perform a KYC with our partner FinClusive
- Receive and check the credential
This frontend application has been bootstrapped by Create React App.
Copy/paste the .env.example
file to .env.local
and fill the values with your own.
cp .env.example .env.local
Some components works only with certain version of node. We recommend using nvm
with the provided .nvmrc
and the following command:
nvm use
Install the dependencies with the following command:
yarn install
Then start the development server with the following command:
yarn start
The repository use both eslint and prettier to ensure code quality and conformity to our guidelines.
Ensure your editor is configured to use the provided .eslintrc
and .prettierrc
Build will fail if there are linting errors.
Check the file .env.example
for the list of environment variables that need to be set.
To build the application, run the following command:
yarn build
The destination folder is build
. It can be served by any web server.
This step is higly dependent on the hosting environment, refer to their documentation and potential plugins for create-react-app based Application.
The repository has been bootstrapped by create-react-app version 5.0.1
which includes webpack version ^5.0.0
Some tweaks were necessary to accomodate the lack of some polyfills in webpack 5. See the following issues for more details: facebook/create-react-app#11756 (comment)