[closed ] Update authentication token expiry #104
[closed ] Cannot scan the Re-Verify Credential QR Code #100
[closed ] No notifications received when Credential has been successfully issued #99
[closed ] DidJwtVc is shown on the Credential Details for Australian Basic KYC and Cholesterol (Total) Test #98
[closed ] The Date of Birth cannot be in the future. #97
[closed ] Add a success pop up message when the New Result form has been sent #96
[closed ] Cannot submit form - 'Send Credential' button is missing when 'Australia Basic KYC' is selected for Document Type field #95
[closed ] Add a better error message #94
[closed ] Add pop up warning when deleting a schema #93
[closed ] Redundant field - Name and Title #92
[closed ] Schema - Misspelled word, Incorrect case #91
[closed ] Error when opening Schema URL for Hemoglobin Test and Syphilis (AB) Test #90
[closed ] Credential Details issues - No space in between Field Names, Repetitive word, Capitalized Case #89
[closed ] Misspelled word "Recepient" #88
[bug ][enhancement ] Identify unhandled backend error and return appropriate API code #86
[closed ] remove hardcoded schema specifications in the frontend #84
[closed ] Remove the dob property from the Issue credential DTO #81
[bug ] 500 error issuing credential #78
[for_review ] No way for admins to view or edit details of issuers #47
[closed ] Cannot accept credential created with new schema #35
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