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May 12, 2022
04884e2 · May 12, 2022


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File metadata and controls

26 lines (16 loc) · 1.6 KB


This repository comprises scripts to select CpGs from bulk DNA methylation data for subsequent analysis with scTAM-seq.

In general, three classes of CpGs are selected:

  • Differentially Methylated CpGs (DMCs, in RnBeads)
  • Intermediately Methylated CpGs (IMCs, in IMS)
  • CpGs harboring Within-Sample Heterogeneity (WSH, in WSH)

Snakemake pipeline

The full pipeline can be executed using the Snakemake file located in [snakemake/full/Snakefile]. For a successful execution, snakemake has to be installed as well as sra-tools, TrimGalore!, and samtools.

Additionally, the reference genome (mouse mm10) has to be downloaded and stored into a folder named references/mm10/.

Further necessary annotations include enhancer annotations, which can be downloaded as the file 'H3K27Ac_mm10.bed' from and has to be put it into the folder 'annotations'. Similarly, download the file '' from, process it with bedtools and liftover to convert it into a bed file mapped to mm10.

The pipeline can be started using:

snakemake --profile sge --use-conda --cluster-config cluster.yaml


You can contact Michael Scherer for questions and suggestions.