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Add support for features file (#113)
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* feat(approbation): a dogs dinner

* feat(approbation): hack out a table for features while dreaming of a refactor

* basic wip feature uncovered list

* make uncoverd output greppable

* improve some error cases

* bump version, fix tests broken in comicly long function sig

* add features to readme

* 4.5, not 4.6
  • Loading branch information
edd authored Aug 3, 2023
1 parent c5f2e74 commit b32f7ee
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Showing 9 changed files with 309 additions and 31 deletions.
30 changes: 16 additions & 14 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,20 +57,22 @@ docker run -v "$(pwd):/run" check-filena
> Coverage statistics for acceptance criteria
| **Parameter** | **Type** | **Description** | **Example** |
| `--tests` | glob | tests to check for AC codes | `tests/**/*.{py,feature}` |
| `--specs` | glob | specs to pull AC codes from | `{specs/**/*.md}` |
| `--ignore` | glob | glob of files not to check for codes | `specs/` |
| `--categories` | string | JSON file that contains category mappings for specs | `specs/categories.json` |
| `--show-branches` | boolean | Show git branches for subfolders of the current folder | - |
| `--show-mystery` | boolean | display criteria in tests that are not in any specs matched by `--specs` | - |
| `--show-files` | boolean | display basic stats per file | - |
| `--show-file-stats` | boolean | display detailed stats per file | - |
| `--output-csv` | boolean | Outputs a CSV file to summarise the console output | - |
| `--output-jenkins` | boolean | Outputs a text file to summarise the console output, to sendover to jenkins | - |
| `--output` | string | A path to write the CSV or Jenkins output to | `./results` |
| `--verbose` | boolean | MORE output | - |
| **Parameter** | **Type** | **Description** | **Example** |
| ------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| `--tests` | glob | tests to check for AC codes | `tests/**/*.{py,feature}` |
| `--specs` | glob | specs to pull AC codes from | `{specs/**/*.md}` |
| `--ignore` | glob | glob of files not to check for codes | `specs/` |
| `--categories` | string | JSON file that contains category mappings for specs | `specs/categories.json` |
| `--features` | string | JSON file that contains features mappings for specs | `specs/features.json` |
| `--show-branches` | boolean | Show git branches for subfolders of the current folder | - |
| `--show-mystery` | boolean | display criteria in tests that are not in any specs matched by `--specs` | - |
| `--show-files` | boolean | display basic stats per file | - |
| `--show-file-stats` | boolean | display detailed stats per file | - |
| `--output-csv` | boolean | Outputs a CSV file to summarise the console output | - |
| `--output-jenkins` | boolean | Outputs a text file to summarise the console output, to sendover to jenkins | - |
| `--output` | string | A path to write the CSV or Jenkins output to | `./results` |
| `--verbose` | boolean | MORE output | - |
### check-references example
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion bin/approbation.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ if (command === 'check-filenames') {
const specsGlob = argv.specs
const testsGlob = argv.tests
const categories = argv.categories
const features = argv.features
const ignoreGlob = argv.ignore
const showMystery = argv['show-mystery'] === true
const showCategoryStats = argv['category-stats'] === true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ if (command === 'check-filenames') {

// TODO: Turn in to an object
res = checkReferences(specsGlob, testsGlob, categories, ignoreGlob, showMystery, isVerbose, showCategoryStats, showFiles, shouldOutputCSV, shouldOutputJenkins, shouldShowFileStats, outputPath)
res = checkReferences(specsGlob, testsGlob, categories, ignoreGlob, features, showMystery, isVerbose, showCategoryStats, showFiles, shouldOutputCSV, shouldOutputJenkins, shouldShowFileStats, outputPath)

} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ if (command === 'check-filenames') {
showArg(`--specs="${pc.yellow('{specs/**/*.md}')}"`, 'glob of specs to pull AC codes from ')
showArg(`--tests="${pc.yellow('tests/**/*.{py,feature}')}"`, 'glob of tests to match to the spec AC codes')
showArg(`--categories="${pc.yellow('./specs/protocol/categories.json')}"`, 'Single JSON file that contains the categories for this test run')
showArg(`--features="${pc.yellow('./specs/protocol/features.json')}"`, 'Single JSON file that contains the features for this test run')
showArg(`--ignore="${pc.yellow('{tests/**/*.{py,feature}')}"`, 'glob of files to ignore for both tests and specs')
showArg('--show-mystery', 'If set, display criteria in tests that are not in any specs matched by --specs')
showArg('--category-stats', 'Show more detail for referenced/unreferenced codes')
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions package-lock.json

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"name": "@vegaprotocol/approbation",
"version": "4.4.2",
"version": "4.5.0",
"description": "Match Acceptance Criteria Codes with the tests that test them",
"engine": ">= 18",
"bin": "./bin/approbation.js",
"scripts": {
"test:ci": "tape test/*.js",
"test": "tape test/*.js | tap-arc"
"test:ci": "tape 'test/**/*.test.js'",
"test": "tape 'test/**/*.test.js' | tap-arc"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
Expand Down
88 changes: 78 additions & 10 deletions src/check-references.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ const path = require('path')
const pc = require('picocolors')
const { validSpecificationPrefix, validAcceptanceCriteriaCode, ignoreFiles } = require('./lib')
const { getCategoriesForSpec, increaseCodesForCategory, increaseCoveredForCategory, increaseAcceptableSpecsForCategory, increaseUncoveredForCategory, increaseFeatureCoveredForCategory, increaseSystemTestCoveredForCategory, increaseSpecCountForCategory, setCategories } = require('./lib/category')
const { setFeatures, increaseAcceptableSpecsForFeature, increaseCodesForFeature, increaseCoveredForFeature, increaseFeatureCoveredForFeature, increaseSpecCountForFeature, increaseSystemTestCoveredForFeature, increaseUncoveredForFeature, specFeatures } = require('./lib/feature')
const { Table } = require('console-table-printer')
const { specPriorities } = require('./lib/priority')
const sortBy = require('lodash.sortby')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,16 +125,19 @@ function processReferences (specs, tests) {
categories.forEach(c => increaseCoveredForCategory(c, 1))
increaseCoveredForFeature(c, 1)

// Hacky hack: Limit these to 1 or 0 rather than a true tally.
let criteriaAlreadyLoggedSystest = false
let criteriaAlreadyLoggedFeature = false
linksForAC.forEach(l => {
if (!criteriaAlreadyLoggedSystest && l.match('system-tests')) {
increaseSystemTestCoveredForFeature(c, 1)
categories.forEach(c => increaseSystemTestCoveredForCategory(c, 1))
criteriaAlreadyLoggedSystest = true
} else if (!criteriaAlreadyLoggedFeature && l.match('.feature')) {
increaseFeatureCoveredForFeature(c, 1)
categories.forEach(c => increaseFeatureCoveredForCategory(c, 1))
criteriaAlreadyLoggedFeature = true
Expand All @@ -150,6 +154,7 @@ function processReferences (specs, tests) {
if (criteriaWithRefs.length !== value.criteria.length) {
value.criteria.forEach(v => {
if (!criteriaWithRefs.includes(v)) {
increaseUncoveredForFeature(v, 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,22 +202,29 @@ function processReferences (specs, tests) {

function checkReferences (specsGlob, testsGlob, categoriesPath, ignoreGlob, showMystery = false, isVerbose = false, showCategoryStats = false, shouldShowFiles = false, shouldOutputCSV = false, shouldOutputJenkins = false, shouldShowFileStats = false, outputPath = './results') {
function checkReferences (specsGlob, testsGlob, categoriesPath, ignoreGlob, featuresPath, showMystery = false, isVerbose = false, showCategoryStats = false, shouldShowFiles = false, shouldOutputCSV = false, shouldOutputJenkins = false, shouldShowFileStats = false, outputPath = './results') {
verbose = isVerbose
showFiles = shouldShowFiles

const ignoreList = ignoreGlob ? glob.sync(ignoreGlob, {}) : []
const specList = ignoreFiles(glob.sync(specsGlob, {}), ignoreList)
const testList = ignoreFiles(glob.sync(testsGlob, {}), ignoreList, 'test')
let categories

let specs, tests, specCategories
let specs, tests, features, specFeatures
const exitCode = 0

if (specList.length > 0 && testList.length > 0) {
try {
// Categories gather spec files in to categories, and tally the number of codes in each category
specCategories = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(categoriesPath))
// Features gather Acceptance Criteria across spec files or categories, and tally the numbers

if (featuresPath !== undefined) {
specFeatures = setFeatures(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(featuresPath)))

specs = gatherSpecs(specList)
tests = gatherTests(testList)
} catch (e) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,6 +281,66 @@ function checkReferences (specsGlob, testsGlob, categoriesPath, ignoreGlob, show
st.addRows(sortBy(specsTableRows, ['Priority', 'Coverage']))

if (featuresPath) {
const totals = []
const milestoneNames = new Set()
const milestones = new Map()
Object.keys(specFeatures).forEach(key => milestoneNames.add(specFeatures[key].milestone))
milestoneNames.forEach(m => milestones.set(m, []))

Object.keys(specFeatures).filter(k => k !== 'Unknown').forEach(key => {
const c = specFeatures[key]
const coverage = (c.covered / (c.acs.length | 0) * 100).toFixed(1)

if (c.uncovered !== 0 && c.uncoveredAcs) {
console.log(`Uncovered ACs for ${key} (${c.milestone}): `) +
Array.from(c.uncoveredAcs).join(', ')

Feature: key,
Milestone: c.milestone || 0,
acs: c.acs.length || 0,
Covered: c.covered || 0,
'by/FeatTest': c.featureCovered || 0,
'by/SysTest': c.systemTestCovered || 0,
Uncovered: c.uncovered || 0,
Coverage: isNaN(coverage) ? '0%' : `${coverage}%`


milestones.forEach((featuresByMilestone, milestoneKey) => {
if (milestoneKey === 'unknown') {
const Covered = featuresByMilestone.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.Covered, 0);
const acs = featuresByMilestone.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.acs, 0);
const Coverage = `${(Covered / acs * 100).toFixed(1)}%`
Feature: `Total`,
Milestone: milestoneKey || '-',
'by/FeatTest': featuresByMilestone.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur['by/FeatTest'], 0) || '-',
'by/SysTest': featuresByMilestone.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur['by/SysTest'], 0) || '-',
Uncovered: featuresByMilestone.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.Uncovered, 0) || '-',

const t = new Table()
t.addRows([{ Feature: '---', Milestone: '---', acs: '---', Covered: '---', 'by/FeatTest': '---', 'by/SysTest': '---', Uncovered: '---', Coverage: '---' }]);
const tableOutput = t.render()

if (showCategoryStats) {
const shouldOutputImage = false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,11 +372,11 @@ function checkReferences (specsGlob, testsGlob, categoriesPath, ignoreGlob, show

if (shouldOutputCSV) {
let csvOutput = Object.keys(categories[0]).join(',')
let categoriesCsvOutput = Object.keys(categories[0]).join(',')
categories.forEach(c => {
csvOutput += `\r\n${Object.values(c).join(',')}`
categoriesCsvOutput += `\r\n${Object.values(c).join(',')}`
fs.writeFileSync(`${outputPath}/approbation-categories.csv`, csvOutput)
fs.writeFileSync(`${outputPath}/approbation-categories.csv`, categoriesCsvOutput)

if (shouldShowFileStats) {
let csvOutputFiles = Object.keys(specsTableRows[0]).join(',')
Expand All @@ -315,10 +387,6 @@ function checkReferences (specsGlob, testsGlob, categoriesPath, ignoreGlob, show

if (shouldOutputImage) {
console.log('Generating image not yet supported'))

if (shouldOutputJenkins) {
const skipCategories = ['Category', 'Specs', 'Acceptable']
const jenkinsLine = Object.entries(categories.pop()).map(([key, value]) => skipCategories.indexOf(key) === -1 ? `*${key}*: ${value}` : '').join(' ').trim()
Expand Down

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