Mostly based on PackNet-Sfm code (3D Packing for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation (CVPR 2020 oral), Vitor Guizilini, Rares Ambrus, Sudeep Pillai, Allan Raventos and Adrien Gaidon).
Tested with PyTorch 1.4.0, Cuda 10.1, OpenMPI 4.0.0, Ubuntu 20.04.
conda create --name packnet-env
source activate packnet-env
conda install pytorch==1.4.0 torchvision==0.5.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge yacs
pip install pycuda
pip install onnxruntime awscli onnx opencv-python-headless pillow-simd
pip install mpi4py
pip install future typing numpy pandas matplotlib jupyter h5py boto3 tqdm termcolor
conda install cython
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
cd ..
pip install --no-cache-dir git+
pip install wandb==0.8.21
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/packnet-sfm/"
conda install scipy=1.6.2
# If you want to visualize 3D reconstructed point clouds:
pip install Pillow
conda install -c open3d-admin open3d=0.10.0
This code is mainly intented to be used with the Valeo synced multiview dataset.
Any training, including fine-tuning, can be done by passing either a .yaml
config file or a .ckpt
model checkpoint to scripts/
python3 scripts/ <config.yaml or checkpoint.ckpt>
If you pass a config file, training will start from scratch using the parameters in that config file. Example config files are in configs.
If you pass instead a .ckpt
file, training will continue from the current checkpoint state.
Note that it is also possible to define checkpoints within the config file itself. These can be done either individually for the depth and/or pose networks or by defining a checkpoint to the model itself, which includes all sub-networks (setting the model checkpoint will overwrite depth and pose checkpoints). In this case, a new training session will start and the networks will be initialized with the model state in the .ckpt
file(s). Below we provide the locations in the config file where these checkpoints are defined:
# Folder where .ckpt files will be saved during training
filepath: /path/to/where/checkpoints/will/be/saved
# Checkpoint for the model (depth + pose)
checkpoint_path: /path/to/model.ckpt
# Checkpoint for the depth network
checkpoint_path: /path/to/depth_net.ckpt
# Checkpoint for the pose network
checkpoint_path: /path/to/pose_net.ckpt
Every aspect of the training configuration can be controlled by modifying the yaml config file. This include the model configuration (self-supervised, semi-supervised, loss parameters, etc), depth and pose networks configuration (choice of architecture and different parameters), optimizers and schedulers (learning rates, weight decay, etc), datasets (name, splits, depth types, etc) and much more. For a comprehensive list please refer to configs/
A few examples of configuration files are given in configs/
Similar to the training case, to evaluate a trained model you need to provide a .ckpt
checkpoint, followed optionally by a .yaml
config file that overrides the configuration stored in the checkpoint.
python3 scripts/ --checkpoint <checkpoint.ckpt> [--config <config.yaml>]
You can also directly run inference on a single image or folder:
python3 scripts/ --checkpoint <checkpoint.ckpt> --input <image or folder> --output <image or folder> [--image_shape <input shape (h,w)>]
The source code is released under the MIT license.
This script is made to visualize reconstructed 3D pointclouds, along with lidar data.
usage: python3 scripts/ [-h]
[--checkpoints CHECKPOINTS [CHECKPOINTS ...]]
[--input_folders INPUT_FOLDERS [INPUT_FOLDERS ...]]
[--input_imgs INPUT_IMGS [INPUT_IMGS ...]]
[--output OUTPUT]
[--image_shape IMAGE_SHAPE [IMAGE_SHAPE ...]]
[--alpha_mask_semantic ALPHA_MASK_SEMANTIC]
[--lap_threshold LAP_THRESHOLD]
[--remove_neighbors_outliers_std REMOVE_NEIGHBORS_OUTLIERS_STD]
[--voxel_size_downsampling VOXEL_SIZE_DOWNSAMPLING]
[--alpha_colorize_cameras ALPHA_COLORIZE_CAMERAS]
Recalibration tool, for a specific sequence from the Valeo dataset
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
Checkpoint files (.ckpt), one file per camera
--input_folders INPUT_FOLDERS [INPUT_FOLDERS ...]
Input base folders, one folder per camera
--input_imgs INPUT_IMGS [INPUT_IMGS ...]
Input images, one image per camera
--output OUTPUT
Where to save output
--image_shape IMAGE_SHAPE [IMAGE_SHAPE ...]
Input and output image shape (default: checkpoint's config.datasets.augmentation.image_shape)
Whether to stop for visualization
Display predicted semantic masks (need pre-computation)
--alpha_mask_semantic ALPHA_MASK_SEMANTIC
Weighting for semantic colors
Remove points that are not semantized and close to other semantized points, or points close to lidar
Display lidar points
Plot a sequence of moving point of view for the first picture
Mixing data into a unified depth map
Save visualization
Clean data based on laplacian
--lap_threshold LAP_THRESHOLD
Threshold on laplacian
Cleaning outliers based on number of neighbors
--remove_neighbors_outliers_std REMOVE_NEIGHBORS_OUTLIERS_STD
How much standard deviation to keep in neighbors inliers
Downsample voxels
--voxel_size_downsampling VOXEL_SIZE_DOWNSAMPLING
Voxel size for downsampling (making very dense regions less dense)
Colorizing each camera with a different color
--alpha_colorize_cameras ALPHA_COLORIZE_CAMERAS
Weighting for colorizing cameras
python3 scripts/ --checkpoints /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/config50.ckpt /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/config50.ckpt /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/config50.ckpt /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/config50.ckpt /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/LR-A-semisup200-ep26.ckpt --input_folders /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/images_multiview/fisheye/test_sync/20180716_192137/cam_0 /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/images_multiview/fisheye/test_sync/20180716_192137/cam_1 /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/images_multiview/fisheye/test_sync/20180716_192137/cam_2 /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/images_multiview/fisheye/test_sync/20180716_192137/cam_3 /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/images_multiview/fisheye/test_sync/20180716_192137/cam_4 --output /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/results --stop --colorize_cameras --clean_with_laplacian
This script is made to recalibrate cameras, especially in the case of Valeo data. It should not be too difficult to adapt it to other datasets.
usage: python3 scripts/ [-h]
[--checkpoints CHECKPOINTS [CHECKPOINTS ...]]
[--input_folder INPUT_FOLDER]
[--input_imgs INPUT_IMGS [INPUT_IMGS ...]]
[--image_shape IMAGE_SHAPE [IMAGE_SHAPE ...]]
[--n_epochs N_EPOCHS]
[--every_n_files EVERY_N_FILES]
[--lr LR]
[--scheduler_step_size SCHEDULER_STEP_SIZE]
[--scheduler_gamma SCHEDULER_GAMMA]
[--regul_weight_trans REGUL_WEIGHT_TRANS]
[--regul_weight_rot REGUL_WEIGHT_ROT]
[--regul_weight_overlap REGUL_WEIGHT_OVERLAP]
[--save_folder SAVE_FOLDER]
[--frozen_cams_trans FROZEN_CAMS_TRANS [FROZEN_CAMS_TRANS ...]]
[--frozen_cams_rot FROZEN_CAMS_ROT [FROZEN_CAMS_ROT ...]]
Recalibration tool, for a specific sequence from the Valeo dataset
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
Checkpoint files (.ckpt), one file per camera
--input_folder INPUT_FOLDER [INPUT_FOLDER ...]
Input base folder
--input_imgs INPUT_IMGS [INPUT_IMGS ...]
Input images
--image_shape IMAGE_SHAPE [IMAGE_SHAPE ...]
Input and output image shape (default: checkpoint's config.datasets.augmentation.image_shape)
--n_epochs N_EPOCHS
Number of epochs
--every_n_files EVERY_N_FILES
Step in files if folders are used
--lr LR Learning rate
--scheduler_step_size SCHEDULER_STEP_SIZE
--scheduler_gamma SCHEDULER_GAMMA
--regul_weight_trans REGUL_WEIGHT_TRANS
Regularization weight for position correction
--regul_weight_rot REGUL_WEIGHT_ROT
Regularization weight for rotation correction
--regul_weight_overlap REGUL_WEIGHT_OVERLAP
Regularization weight for the overlap between cameras
Whether to save original and reprojected pictures during optimization
Whether to save plots showing evolution of loss and calibration correction
Whether to save rotation correction values in a numpy array
Whether to display plots
--save_folder SAVE_FOLDER
Where to save files
--frozen_cams_trans FROZEN_CAMS_TRANS [FROZEN_CAMS_TRANS ...]
List of frozen cameras in translation
--frozen_cams_rot FROZEN_CAMS_ROT [FROZEN_CAMS_ROT ...]
List of frozen cameras in rotation
python3 scripts/ --checkpoints config50.ckpt config50.ckpt config50.ckpt config50.ckpt --input_folder /home/vbelissen/Downloads/test/images_multiview/fisheye/test/20170320_163113 --n_epochs 100 --every_n_files 20 --frozen_cams_trans 0 1 2 3 --save_pictures --regul_weight_rot 0.001