This is our implementation of the training and testing code for the paper Dicta-Sign-LSF-v2: Remake of a Continuous LSF Dialogue Corpus and a First Baseline for Automatic SLP, LREC, 2020. It has been tested with two corpora, DictaSign and NCSLGR (see below).
The model is a simple RNN, trained in a supervised fashion, with the following properties:
- Its input is preprocessed video data (see the paper and documentation in the LSF corpus data Dicta-Sign-LSF-v2 for details). The preprocessing code will be released soon.
- The model can be used to predict "sign types" (on a frame basis), or the independent recognition of different SL structures. See the documentation in the different files (more complete documentation to come).
The training and testing scripts require:
- Keras on top of Tensorflow (1.X or 2.X)
See tutorial: Main tutorial
The original data:
- Dicta-Sign-LSF-v2 (video + annotation (csv format) + features generated by this)
- Annotations found in ortolang (Dicta-Sign-LSF_Annotation.csv) should be converted to a .npz file using
before running the scripts for the first time - .npy feature files found in ortolang should be placed in data/processed/DictaSign/
- Annotations found in ortolang (Dicta-Sign-LSF_Annotation.csv) should be converted to a .npz file using
- NCSLGR (video + annotation)
Data in old format (simply uncompress the zip in cslr_limsi/), should not be used if you can access features in ortolang:
If you find the project helpful, please cite:
author = {Belissen, Valentin and Gouiffès, Michèle and Braffort, Annelies},
title = {{Dicta-Sign-LSF-v2: Remake of a Continuous French Sign Language Dialogue Corpus and a First Baseline for Automatic Sign Language Processing}},
booktitle = {LREC},
year = {2020},