Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
$ composer require vaszev/barion-bundle
Barion library (1.3.1 March 20. 2019.) wrapper for Symfony 4
Please note that this bundle is for simple B2C Immediate payment type only. Project still in development stage, use only at your own risk!
Configure your credentials:
apiVersion: 2
sandbox: true
payee: '[email protected]'
waitingRoomBg: '#fff'
waitingRoomColor: '#333'
waitingRoomAmountColor: 'tomato'
waitingRoomPositiveFeedbackColor: 'green'
waitingRoomNegativeFeedbackColor: 'red'
waitingRoomNeturalFeedbackColor: 'orange'
waitingRoomGoogleFont: 'Lato'
Add the following to your routing:
resource: "@VaszevBarionBundle/Controller"
type: annotation
prefix: /barion
Update doctrine's schema:
$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Install assets:
$ php bin/console assets:install --symlink
Include Barion's pixel into your webshop pages:
{{ render(controller('Vaszev\\BarionBundle\\Controller\\BarionController::pixel')) }}
Adding translations :
'barion.cart': ''
'barion.transaction': ''
'barion.done': ''
'barion.Your.payment.of': ''
'barion.transaction.failed': ''
'barion.transaction.success': ''
'barion.transaction.neutral': ''
'': ''
- save your webshop
in your database's table - get your
and items - init Barion online payment with the data you know about your visitor
- create a transaction with your
and add items - prepare your payment and get your URL for Barion's payment page
- pay, and get back to our waiting room where customer got progress info
- Barion will knock on callback URL where we'll set payment state
- let you customer know about it
- get back to your webshop and keep buying
You have to gather your items into transaction(s) that could have one or more items:
$myWebsopTransactionId = 8211;
$redirectURL = $this->generateUrl('webshop', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
try {
$barion->initShopping($redirectURL)->createTransaction($myWebsopTransactionId, 'Please post it ASAP!');
$barion->addItem('Product name','Description',2,2900,'ProdId#5312','Piece');
$barion->addItem('Product name 2','Description so far',1,1000,'ProdId#4362','Meter');
$barion->addItem('Product name 3','Description will fit',1,5900,'ProdId#7309','L');
$payURL = $barion->preparePaymentRequest('[email protected]', '1234 Hungary, Budapest...')->closeAndGetPaymentURL();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// yikes! something went wrong...
Check if your order's payment received:
Call getters on your order: