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improving handling of invalid client messages
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valbers committed Feb 7, 2023
1 parent 2c32165 commit 9195006
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Showing 9 changed files with 309 additions and 55 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Main/Exceptions.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
namespace GraphQLTransportWS

type InvalidMessageException (explanation : string) =
inherit System.Exception(explanation)
58 changes: 40 additions & 18 deletions src/Main/GraphQLWebsocketMiddleware.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ type GraphQLWebSocketMiddleware<'Root>(next : RequestDelegate, applicationLifeti
task { return "dummySerializedServerMessage" }

let deserializeClientMessage (jsonOptions: JsonOptions) (msg: string) =
task { return ConnectionInit None }
task {
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<RawMessage>(msg, jsonOptions.SerializerOptions)

let isSocketOpen (theSocket : WebSocket) =
not (theSocket.State = WebSocketState.Aborted) &&
Expand All @@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ type GraphQLWebSocketMiddleware<'Root>(next : RequestDelegate, applicationLifeti
not (theSocket.State = WebSocketState.Aborted) &&
not (theSocket.State = WebSocketState.Closed)

let receiveMessageViaSocket (cancellationToken : CancellationToken) (jsonOptions: JsonOptions) (executor : Executor<'Root>) (replacements : Map<string, obj>) (socket : WebSocket) =
let receiveMessageViaSocket (cancellationToken : CancellationToken) (jsonOptions: JsonOptions) (executor : Executor<'Root>) (replacements : Map<string, obj>) (socket : WebSocket) : Task<RopResult<ClientMessage, ClientMessageProtocolFailure> option> =
task {
let buffer = Array.zeroCreate 4096
let completeMessage = new List<byte>()
Expand All @@ -84,8 +86,17 @@ type GraphQLWebSocketMiddleware<'Root>(next : RequestDelegate, applicationLifeti
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace message then
return None
let! deserializedMsg = deserializeClientMessage jsonOptions message
return Some deserializedMsg
let! deserializedRawMsg = deserializeClientMessage jsonOptions message
|> MessageMapping.toClientMessage executor
|> Some
with :? JsonException as e ->
printfn "%s" (e.ToString())
(MessageMapping.invalidMsg <| "invalid json in client message"
|> Some)

let sendMessageViaSocket (cancellationToken : CancellationToken) (jsonOptions: JsonOptions) (socket : WebSocket) (message : ServerMessage) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,6 +178,15 @@ type GraphQLWebSocketMiddleware<'Root>(next : RequestDelegate, applicationLifeti
let logMsgWithIdReceived id msgAsStr =
printfn "%s (id: %s)" msgAsStr id

let tryToGracefullyCloseSocket theSocket =
task {
if theSocket |> canCloseSocket
do! theSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "NormalClosure", new CancellationToken())

// <--------------
// <-- Helpers --|
// <--------------
Expand All @@ -183,15 +203,20 @@ type GraphQLWebSocketMiddleware<'Root>(next : RequestDelegate, applicationLifeti
printfn "Warn: websocket socket received empty message! (socket state = %A)" socket.State
| Some msg ->
match msg with
| ConnectionInit p ->
| Failure failureMsgs ->
"InvalidMessage" |> logMsgReceivedWithOptionalPayload None
match failureMsgs |> List.head with
| InvalidMessage (code, explanation) ->
do! socket.CloseAsync(enum code, explanation, cancellationToken)
| Success (ConnectionInit p, _) ->
"ConnectionInit" |> logMsgReceivedWithOptionalPayload p
do! ConnectionAck |> safe_Send
| ClientPing p ->
| Success (ClientPing p, _) ->
"ClientPing" |> logMsgReceivedWithOptionalPayload p
do! ServerPong None |> safe_Send
| ClientPong p ->
| Success (ClientPong p, _) ->
"ClientPong" |> logMsgReceivedWithOptionalPayload p
| Subscribe (id, query) ->
| Success (Subscribe (id, query), _) ->
"Subscribe" |> logMsgWithIdReceived id
let! planExecutionResult =
Async.StartAsTask (
Expand All @@ -200,22 +225,19 @@ type GraphQLWebSocketMiddleware<'Root>(next : RequestDelegate, applicationLifeti
do! planExecutionResult
|> safe_ApplyPlanExecutionResult id
| ClientComplete id ->
| Success (ClientComplete id, _) ->
"ClientComplete" |> logMsgWithIdReceived id
id |> GraphQLSubscriptionsManagement.removeSubscription
do! Complete id |> safe_Send
| InvalidMessage explanation ->
"InvalidMessage" |> logMsgReceivedWithOptionalPayload None
do! socket.CloseAsync(enum CustomWebSocketStatus.invalidMessage, explanation, cancellationToken)
printfn "Leaving graphql-ws connection loop..."
if socket |> canCloseSocket
do! socket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "NormalClosure", new CancellationToken())
do! socket |> tryToGracefullyCloseSocket
| ex ->
printfn "Unexpected exception \"%s\" in GraphQLWebsocketMiddleware (handleMessages). More:\n%s" (ex.GetType().Name) (ex.ToString())
// at this point, only something really weird must have happened.
// In order to avoid faulty state scenarios and unimagined damages,
// just close the socket without further ado.
do! socket |> tryToGracefullyCloseSocket

let waitForConnectionInit (jsonOptions : JsonOptions) (schemaExecutor : Executor<'Root>) (replacements : Map<string, obj>) (connectionInitTimeoutInMs : int) (socket : WebSocket) : Task<RopResult<unit, string>> =
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Main/Main.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
<Compile Include="Rop/Rop.fs" />
<Compile Include="Rop/RopAsync.fs" />
<Compile Include="Exceptions.fs" />
<Compile Include="Messages.fs" />
<Compile Include="MessageMapping.fs" />
<Compile Include="GraphQLWebsocketMiddlewareOptions.fs" />
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68 changes: 47 additions & 21 deletions src/Main/MessageMapping.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,21 +2,32 @@ namespace GraphQLTransportWS

module MessageMapping =
open FSharp.Data.GraphQL
open Rop

let requireId (raw : RawMessage) : string =
/// From the spec: "Receiving a message of a type or format which is not specified in this document will result in an immediate socket closure with the event 4400: &lt;error-message&gt;.
/// The &lt;error-message&gt; can be vaguely descriptive on why the received message is invalid."
let invalidMsg (explanation : string) =
InvalidMessage (4400, explanation)
|> fail

let private requireId (raw : RawMessage) : RopResult<string, ClientMessageProtocolFailure> =
match raw.Id with
| Some s -> s
| None -> failwith "property \"id\" is required but was not there"
| Some s -> succeed s
| None -> invalidMsg <| "property \"id\" is required for this message but was not present."

let requirePayloadToBeAnOptionalString (payload : RawPayload option) : string option =
let private requirePayloadToBeAnOptionalString (payload : RawPayload option) : RopResult<string option, ClientMessageProtocolFailure> =
match payload with
| Some p ->
match p with
| StringPayload strPayload -> Some strPayload
| _ -> failwith "payload was expected to be a string, but it wasn't"
| None -> None
| StringPayload strPayload ->
Some strPayload
|> succeed
| SubscribePayload _ ->
invalidMsg <| "for this message, payload was expected to be an optional string, but it was a \"subscribe\" payload instead."
| None ->
succeed None

let requireSubscribePayload (executor : Executor<'a>) (payload : RawPayload option) : GraphQLQuery =
let private requireSubscribePayload (executor : Executor<'a>) (payload : RawPayload option) : RopResult<GraphQLQuery, ClientMessageProtocolFailure> =
match payload with
| Some p ->
match p with
Expand All @@ -25,29 +36,44 @@ module MessageMapping =
| Some query ->
{ ExecutionPlan = executor.CreateExecutionPlan(query)
Variables = Map.empty }
|> succeed
| None ->
failwith "there was no query in subscribe message!"
invalidMsg <| sprintf "there was no query in the client's subscribe message!"
| _ ->
failwith "payload was expected to be a subscribe payload object, but it wasn't."
invalidMsg <| "for this message, payload was expected to be a \"subscribe\" payload object, but it wasn't."
| None ->
failwith "payload is required for this message, but none was available"
invalidMsg <| "payload is required for this message, but none was present."

let toClientMessage (executor : Executor<'a>) (raw : RawMessage) : ClientMessage =
let toClientMessage (executor : Executor<'a>) (raw : RawMessage) : RopResult<ClientMessage, ClientMessageProtocolFailure> =
match raw.Type with
| None ->
failwithf "property \"type\" was not found in the client message"
invalidMsg <| sprintf "message type was not specified by client."
| Some "connection_init" ->
ConnectionInit (raw.Payload |> requirePayloadToBeAnOptionalString)
|> requirePayloadToBeAnOptionalString
|> mapR ConnectionInit
| Some "ping" ->
ClientPing (raw.Payload |> requirePayloadToBeAnOptionalString)
|> requirePayloadToBeAnOptionalString
|> mapR ClientPing
| Some "pong" ->
ClientPong (raw.Payload |> requirePayloadToBeAnOptionalString)
|> requirePayloadToBeAnOptionalString
|> mapR ClientPong
| Some "complete" ->
ClientComplete (raw |> requireId)
|> requireId
|> mapR ClientComplete
| Some "subscribe" ->
let id = raw |> requireId
let payload = raw.Payload |> requireSubscribePayload executor
Subscribe (id, payload)
|> requireId
|> bindR
(fun id ->
|> requireSubscribePayload executor
|> mapR (fun payload -> (id, payload))
|> mapR Subscribe
| Some other ->
failwithf "type \"%s\" is not supported as a client message type" other
invalidMsg <| sprintf "invalid type \"%s\" specified by client." other

4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Main/Messages.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ type ClientMessage =
| ClientPong of payload: string option
| Subscribe of id: string * query: GraphQLQuery
| ClientComplete of id: string
| InvalidMessage of explanation: string

type ClientMessageProtocolFailure =
| InvalidMessage of code: int * explanation: string

type ServerMessage =
| ConnectionAck
Expand Down
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions src/Main/RawMessageConverter.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ open System.Text.Json.Serialization
type RawMessageConverter() =
inherit JsonConverter<RawMessage>()

let raiseInvalidMsg explanation =
raise <| InvalidMessageException explanation

let getOptionalString (reader : byref<Utf8JsonReader>) =
if reader.TokenType.Equals(JsonTokenType.Null) then
Expand All @@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ type RawMessageConverter() =
if reader.Read() then
failwithf "was expecting a value for property \"%s\"" propertyName
raiseInvalidMsg <| sprintf "was expecting a value for property \"%s\"" propertyName

let readSubscribePayload (reader : byref<Utf8JsonReader>) : RawSubscribePayload =
let mutable operationName : string option = None
Expand All @@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ type RawMessageConverter() =
| "extensions" ->
extensions <- readPropertyValueAsAString "extensions" &reader
| other ->
failwithf "unexpected property \"%s\" in payload object" other
raiseInvalidMsg <| sprintf "unexpected property \"%s\" in payload object" other
{ OperationName = operationName
Query = query
Variables = variables
Expand All @@ -51,11 +54,11 @@ type RawMessageConverter() =
SubscribePayload (readSubscribePayload &reader)
|> Some
elif reader.TokenType.Equals(JsonTokenType.Null) then
failwith "was expecting a value for property \"payload\""
raiseInvalidMsg <| "was expecting a value for property \"payload\""
failwith "Not implemented yet. Uh-oh, this is a bug."
raiseInvalidMsg <| sprintf "payload is a \"%A\", which is not supported" reader.TokenType
failwith "was expecting a value for property \"payload\""
raiseInvalidMsg <| "was expecting a value for property \"payload\""

override __.Read(reader : byref<Utf8JsonReader>, typeToConvert: Type, options: JsonSerializerOptions) : RawMessage =
if not (reader.TokenType.Equals(JsonTokenType.StartObject))
Expand All @@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ type RawMessageConverter() =
| "payload" ->
payload <- readPayload &reader
| other ->
failwithf "unknown property \"%s\"" other
raiseInvalidMsg <| sprintf "unknown property \"%s\"" other
{ Id = id
Type = theType
Payload = payload }
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