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incoporated MessageMapping into the RawMessageConverter
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 I was originally thinking about having a dumbed down converter which
was easy to test, but as a matter of fact it makes no sense to pass
around an object which is not completely deserialized.
 The undeserialized payload is now deliberate, since it's now up to the
client to define how to deserialize his own custom payload. The
possibility to configure this deserialization (which will happen
actually during the handling of a message like "connection_init" or
"pong") will come next.
  • Loading branch information
valbers committed Feb 9, 2023
1 parent 19477c8 commit 7d2ed59
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Showing 7 changed files with 161 additions and 192 deletions.
31 changes: 18 additions & 13 deletions src/Main/GraphQLWebsocketMiddleware.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,11 +83,20 @@ type GraphQLWebSocketMiddleware<'Root>(next : RequestDelegate, applicationLifeti
return JsonSerializer.Serialize(raw, jsonSerializerOptions)

let deserializeClientMessage (serializerOptions : JsonSerializerOptions) (executor : Executor<'Root>) (msg: string) =
let deserializeClientMessage (serializerOptions : JsonSerializerOptions) (msg: string) =
task {
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<RawMessage>(msg, serializerOptions)
|> MessageMapping.toClientMessage serializerOptions executor
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ClientMessage>(msg, serializerOptions)
|> succeed
| :? InvalidMessageException as e ->
fail <| InvalidMessage(4400, e.ToString())
| :? JsonException as e ->
printfn "%s" (e.ToString())
fail <| InvalidMessage(4400, "invalid json in client message")

let isSocketOpen (theSocket : WebSocket) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,14 +131,10 @@ type GraphQLWebSocketMiddleware<'Root>(next : RequestDelegate, applicationLifeti
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace message then
return None
let! result =
|> deserializeClientMessage serializerOptions executor
return Some result
with :? JsonException as e ->
printfn "%s" (e.ToString())
return Some (MessageMapping.invalidMsg <| "invalid json in client message")
let! result =
|> deserializeClientMessage serializerOptions
return Some result

let sendMessageViaSocket (jsonSerializerOptions) (socket : WebSocket) (message : ServerMessage) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,7 +364,7 @@ type GraphQLWebSocketMiddleware<'Root>(next : RequestDelegate, applicationLifeti
task {
let jsonOptions = new JsonOptions()
jsonOptions.SerializerOptions.PropertyNameCaseInsensitive <- true
jsonOptions.SerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new RawMessageConverter())
jsonOptions.SerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new ClientMessageConverter<'Root>(options.SchemaExecutor))
jsonOptions.SerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new RawServerMessageConverter())
let serializerOptions = jsonOptions.SerializerOptions
if false && not (ctx.Request.Path = PathString (options.EndpointUrl)) then
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Main/Main.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
<Compile Include="Rop/RopAsync.fs" />
<Compile Include="Exceptions.fs" />
<Compile Include="Messages.fs" />
<Compile Include="MessageMapping.fs" />
<Compile Include="GraphQLWebsocketMiddlewareOptions.fs" />
<Compile Include="RawMessageConverter.fs" />
<Compile Include="GraphQLWebsocketMiddleware.fs" />
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114 changes: 0 additions & 114 deletions src/Main/MessageMapping.fs

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Main/Messages.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ type RawSubscribePayload =

type RawMessage =
{ Id : string option
Type : string option
Type : string
Payload : JsonDocument option }

type ServerRawPayload =
Expand Down
128 changes: 122 additions & 6 deletions src/Main/RawMessageConverter.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,31 @@
namespace GraphQLTransportWS

open FSharp.Data.GraphQL
open Rop
open System
open System.Text.Json
open System.Text.Json.Serialization

type RawMessageConverter() =
inherit JsonConverter<RawMessage>()
type ClientMessageConverter<'Root>(executor : Executor<'Root>) =
inherit JsonConverter<ClientMessage>()

let raiseInvalidMsg explanation =
raise <| InvalidMessageException explanation

/// From the spec: "Receiving a message of a type or format which is not specified in this document will result in an immediate socket closure with the event 4400: &lt;error-message&gt;.
/// The &lt;error-message&gt; can be vaguely descriptive on why the received message is invalid."
let invalidMsg (explanation : string) =
InvalidMessage (4400, explanation)
|> fail

let unpackRopResult ropResult =
match ropResult with
| Success (x, _) -> x
| Failure (failures : ClientMessageProtocolFailure list) ->
System.String.Join("\n\n", (failures |> (fun (InvalidMessage (_, explanation)) -> explanation)))
|> raiseInvalidMsg

let getOptionalString (reader : byref<Utf8JsonReader>) =
if reader.TokenType.Equals(JsonTokenType.Null) then
Expand All @@ -23,7 +38,78 @@ type RawMessageConverter() =
raiseInvalidMsg <| sprintf "was expecting a value for property \"%s\"" propertyName

override __.Read(reader : byref<Utf8JsonReader>, typeToConvert: Type, options: JsonSerializerOptions) : RawMessage =
let requireId (raw : RawMessage) : RopResult<string, ClientMessageProtocolFailure> =
match raw.Id with
| Some s -> succeed s
| None -> invalidMsg <| "property \"id\" is required for this message but was not present."

let resolveVariables (serializerOptions : JsonSerializerOptions) (expectedVariables : Types.VarDef list) (variableValuesObj : JsonDocument) =
if (not (variableValuesObj.RootElement.ValueKind.Equals(JsonValueKind.Object))) then
let offendingValueKind = variableValuesObj.RootElement.ValueKind
fail (sprintf "\"variables\" must be an object, but here it is \"%A\" instead" offendingValueKind)
let providedVariableValues = variableValuesObj.RootElement.EnumerateObject() |> List.ofSeq
|> List.choose
(fun expectedVariable ->
|> List.tryFind(fun x -> x.Name = expectedVariable.Name)
(fun providedValue ->
let boxedValue =
if providedValue.Value.ValueKind.Equals(JsonValueKind.Null) then
null :> obj
elif providedValue.Value.ValueKind.Equals(JsonValueKind.String) then
providedValue.Value.GetString() :> obj
JsonSerializer.Deserialize(providedValue.Value, serializerOptions) :> obj
(expectedVariable.Name, boxedValue)
|> succeed

let decodeGraphQLQuery (serializerOptions : JsonSerializerOptions) (executor : Executor<'a>) (operationName : string option) (variables : JsonDocument option) (query : string) =
let executionPlan =
match operationName with
| Some operationName ->
executor.CreateExecutionPlan(query, operationName = operationName)
| None ->
let variablesResult : RopResult<Map<string, obj>, ClientMessageProtocolFailure> =
match variables with
| None -> succeed <| Map.empty // it's none of our business here if some variables are expected. If that's the case, execution of the ExecutionPlan will take care of that later (and issue an error).
| Some variableValuesObj ->
|> resolveVariables serializerOptions executionPlan.Variables
|> mapMessagesR (fun errMsg -> InvalidMessage (CustomWebSocketStatus.invalidMessage, errMsg))
|> mapR Map.ofList
|> mapR (fun variables ->
{ ExecutionPlan = executionPlan
Variables = variables })

let requireSubscribePayload (serializerOptions : JsonSerializerOptions) (executor : Executor<'a>) (payload : JsonDocument option) : RopResult<GraphQLQuery, ClientMessageProtocolFailure> =
match payload with
| None ->
invalidMsg <| "payload is required for this message, but none was present."
| Some p ->
let rawSubsPayload = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<RawSubscribePayload option>(p, serializerOptions)
match rawSubsPayload with
| None ->
invalidMsg <| "payload is required for this message, but none was present."
| Some subscribePayload ->
match subscribePayload.Query with
| None ->
invalidMsg <| sprintf "there was no query in the client's subscribe message!"
| Some query ->
|> decodeGraphQLQuery serializerOptions executor subscribePayload.OperationName subscribePayload.Variables

let readRawMessage (reader : byref<Utf8JsonReader>, options: JsonSerializerOptions) : RawMessage =
if not (reader.TokenType.Equals(JsonTokenType.StartObject))
then raise (new JsonException((sprintf "reader's first token was not \"%A\", but \"%A\"" JsonTokenType.StartObject reader.TokenType)))
Expand All @@ -44,12 +130,42 @@ type RawMessageConverter() =
match theType with
| None ->
raiseInvalidMsg "property \"type\" is missing"
| Some _ ->
| Some msgType ->
{ Id = id
Type = theType
Type = msgType
Payload = payload }

override __.Write(writer : Utf8JsonWriter, value : RawMessage, options : JsonSerializerOptions) =
override __.Read(reader : byref<Utf8JsonReader>, typeToConvert: Type, options: JsonSerializerOptions) : ClientMessage =
let raw = readRawMessage(&reader, options)
match raw.Type with
| "connection_init" ->
ConnectionInit raw.Payload
| "ping" ->
ClientPing raw.Payload
| "pong" ->
ClientPong raw.Payload
| "complete" ->
|> requireId
|> mapR ClientComplete
|> unpackRopResult
| "subscribe" ->
|> requireId
|> bindR
(fun id ->
|> requireSubscribePayload options executor
|> mapR (fun payload -> (id, payload))
|> mapR Subscribe
|> unpackRopResult
| other ->
raiseInvalidMsg <| sprintf "invalid type \"%s\" specified by client." other

override __.Write(writer : Utf8JsonWriter, value : ClientMessage, options : JsonSerializerOptions) =
failwith "serializing a WebSocketClientMessage is not supported (yet(?))"

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17 changes: 3 additions & 14 deletions tests/unit-tests/InvalidMessageTests.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,23 @@
module InvalidMessageTests

open GraphQLTransportWS.Rop
open UnitTest
open GraphQLTransportWS
open System
open System.Text.Json
open Xunit
open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Ast

let toClientMessage (theInput : string) =
let serializerOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions()
serializerOptions.PropertyNameCaseInsensitive <- true
serializerOptions.Converters.Add(new RawMessageConverter())
serializerOptions.Converters.Add(new ClientMessageConverter<Root>(TestSchema.executor))
serializerOptions.Converters.Add(new RawServerMessageConverter())
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<RawMessage>(theInput, serializerOptions)
|> MessageMapping.toClientMessage serializerOptions TestSchema.executor
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ClientMessage>(theInput, serializerOptions)

let willResultInInvalidMessage expectedExplanation input =
let result =
|> toClientMessage
match result with
| Failure msgs ->
match msgs |> List.head with
| InvalidMessage (code, explanation) ->
Assert.Equal(4400, code)
Assert.Equal(expectedExplanation, explanation)
| other ->
Assert.Fail(sprintf "unexpected actual value: '%A'" other)
Assert.Fail(sprintf "should have failed, but succeeded with result: '%A'" result)
| :? JsonException as ex ->
Assert.Equal(expectedExplanation, ex.Message)
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