POC to define an architecture reference in Golang
- Install docker and docker-compose
- From the root project folder run: docker-compose -f docker/compose-app.yml up --build
- Optionally, you can add -d to free your terminal: docker-compose -f docker/compose-app.yml up --build -d
HTTP/POST: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/customers
- body (json):
"name": "Gerald",
"birthYear": 1768,
"birthDay": 6,
"birthMonth": 1,
"eMail": "[email protected]", "address": { "number": "67", "street": "Golden Beans street", "neighborhood": "Jungles Valley", "postalCode": "09890-000", "city": "Dreams Land" "country": "AS", "state": "RS" }
} - other customer's payloads on: https://github.com/vagner-nascimento/go-poc-archref/blob/master/tests/payloads.json
- body (json):
HTTP/PUT: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/customers/{id}
- body (json):
"name": "Gerald",
"birthYear": 1768,
"birthDay": 6,
"birthMonth": 1,
"eMail": "[email protected]",
"userId": "026616e2-063a-408b-aa45-99dc671081db", "address": { "number": "67", "street": "Golden Beans street", "neighborhood": "Jungles Valley", "postalCode": "09890-000", "city": "Dreams Land" "country": "AS", "state": "RS" } }
- body (json):
HTTP/PATCHT: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/customers/{id}/address
- body (json):
{ "number": "67", "street": "Golden Beans street", "neighborhood": "Jungles Valley", "postalCode": "09890-000", "city": "Dreams Land" "country": "AS", "state": "RS" }
- body (json):
HTTP/GET (by id): http://localhost:3000/api/v1/customers/{id}
HTTP/GET (by params): http://localhost:3000/api/v1/customers?p=val&p1=val1&valArr=["it1", "it2"]
- params can be any Customer attributes. If you want to search in a range of some value, send as array, like above
- don't send multiple params with same name, like ?name=Jhon&name=Mary, it will consider only the first one
- insert a customer through HTTP/POST method
- access http://localhost:15672/#/queues/%2F/q-user
- on Publish message menu, put a user that have the same e-mail of inserted customer into Payload field
- click on Publish message
- to verify changes, call HTTP/GET with inserted customer's id
AMQP/GET: operations that change customer's data are published into customer's queue.
- access http://localhost:15672/#/queues/%2F/q-customer
- on Get messages menu increase Messages field to 50 (or more) and click on Get Message(s)
- Develop delete http endpoint
- Http errors handler
- App errors handler
- Logger
- Golang: https://golang.org/
- Docker installation: https://docs.docker.com/install/
- Docker-compose installation: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/