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CRAMTools is a set of Java tools and APIs for efficient compression of sequence read data. Although this is intended as a stable version the code is released as early access. Parts of the CRAMTools are experimental and may not be supported in the future.

Version 2.0

Input files:
Reference sequence in fasta format <fasta file>
Reference sequence index file <fasta file>.fai created using samtools (samtools faidx <fasta file>)
Input BAM file <BAM file> sorted by reference coordinates
BAM index file <BAM file>.bai created using samtools (samtools index <BAM file>)
Download and run the program:
Download the prebuilt runnable jar file from:
Execute the command line program: java -jar cramtools.jar
Usage is printed if no arguments were given 
To convert a BAM file to CRAM:

java -jar cramtools.jar cram --input-bam-file <bam file> --reference-fasta-file <reference fasta file> [--output-cram-file <output cram file>]
To convert a CRAM file to BAM:
java -jar cramtools.jar bam --input-cram-file <input cram file> --reference-fasta-file <reference fasta file> --output-bam-file <output bam file>

To build the program from source:
To check out the source code from github you will need git client:
Make sure you have java 1.6 or higher: or
Make sure you have ant version 1.7 or higher:
git clone git://
ant -f build/build.xml runnable
java -jar cramtools.jar
To run unit tests:
 ant -f build/build.xml test
Picard integraion
Some tools using Picard API should be able to read/write CRAM archives. For example: 
java -cp cramtools.jar net.sf.picard.sam.ValidateSamFile INPUT=data.cram

However the following will not work: 
java -cp cramtools.jar -jar ValidateSamFile.jar INPUT=data.cram

Reference sequence discovery
For tools that use Picard API the following rules describe how the reference sequence file is discovered: 
1. Given an input file '<some name>.cram' search for a '<some name>.fa' file in the same directory.
2. Given an input file '<some name>.cram' search for a '<some name>.fa' file in the same directory, which should contain a full path to the reference file.
3. Use java property 'reference=<path to ref file>', usage: java -Dreference=<path to ref file> -cp cramtools.jar ...

The following tools have been included into this release: 
ValidateCramFile (this works similar to ValidateSamFile tool from picard)

Lossy model
Bam2Cram allows to specify lossy model via a string which can be composed of one or more words separated by '-'. 
Each word is an instruction about quality score treatment, which can be binning (Illumina 8 bins) or full scale (40 values). 
Here are some examples: 
N40-D8		preserve quality scores for non-matching bases with full precision, and bin quality scores for positions flanking deletions. 
m5			preserve quality scores for reads with mapping quality score lower than 5
R40X10-N40	preserve non-matching quality scores and those matching with coverage lower than 10

R	reference base
N	non-reference (mis-matched) base
U	unplaced read base
P	pileup: capture all bases at a given position on the reference if there are at least 3 mismatches
D	read positions flanking a deletion
M	reads with mapping quality score higher than 40
m	reads with mapping quality score lower than 40

By default no quality scores will be preserved.

Illimuna 8-binning scheme:
0, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
15, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 37,
37, 37, 37, 37, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40,
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40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40 

Check for more on our web site:


Reference-based compression of SRA data






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