What I want to show in this example is, how you could deal with a dynamic page title per view (or time or what ever) that will handle your browser Locale as well.
All tutorials are available under https://vaadin.com/tutorials
It is recommended to read the tutorial about the I18NProvider first. This tutorial will use the I18NProvider.
After playing around a few times, I developed a a solution that could handle
- message bundles
- is not inside inheritance
- is based on Annotations
- is easy to extend
- can change the language during runtime
Mostly it is a good approach to develop a solution for a developer from the perspective of a developer. Here it means, what should a developer see if he/she have to use your solution.
The developer will see this Annotation. Three things can be defined here.
- The message key that will be used to resolve the message based on the actual Locale
- A default value the will be used, if no corresponding resource key was found neither fallback language is provided
- Definition of the message formatter, default Formatter will only return the translated key.
public @interface I18NPageTitle {
String messageKey() default "";
String defaultValue() default "";
Class< ? extends TitleFormatter> formatter() default DefaultTitleFormatter.class;
The default usage should look like the following one.
@I18NPageTitle(messageKey = "view.title")
public class View003 extends Composite<Div> implements HasLogger {
public static final String VIEW_003 = "view003";
For more detailed informations about how to implement it, have a look at our tutorial about I18N - Dynamic PageTitle at https://vaadin.com/tutorials
If you have questions or something to discuss.. ping me via email mailto::[email protected] or via Twitter : https://twitter.com/SvenRuppert