Validate your email with this email validation package on email filter, typos. dns and spoofing.
Solution to easily validate email.
- Validate against typos Typo Validation
You can install the package via composer:
composer require silassiai/laravel-email-validation
For typo checking you need to seed to get mail provider domains what we check for. It will create the needed table if it does'nt exists. We will make the list more complete in future versions, that will be updated with a cronjob.
php artisan silassiai:seed
Check if the e-mail has a domain typo's from a mail provider
EmailValidationFacade::for('[email protected]')->hasTypo()
Check if the e-mail has a domain valid domain from a mail provider
EmailValidationFacade::for('[email protected]')->hasValidDomain()
The MIT License. Please see License for more information.