What is the best way to cite software in publications, and how should software projects recommend being cited?
This page contains some links for an informal discussion at the PDESoft 2014 workshop
It would be great to add to this list and include also lists and ideas from other mathematical software communities. Feel free to clone this repository and issue a pull request, or send things to rjl at uw.edu for inclusion.
- [zenodo] (https://zenodo.org/)
- [figshare] (http://mozillascience.github.io/code-research-object/)
Journal of open research software seems rather small (31 articles total)
Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) has been used to publish short papers with current authors for each new release of software project.
Stackexchange discussion with many more links
See http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.2266 for an example of a short paper associated with each specific release. (But note that arXiv insisted that the papers announcing 8.0 and 8.1 were two versions of the same paper, rather than two distinct papers as was desired.)
- Journal of Statistical Software
- The Stata Journal
- Examples of journal papers announcing releases: