March Release
Release Notes - TrueNTH - Version March Release
- [TN-143] - ePROMs - Completed instruments are not displayed on the interstitial page
- [TN-231] - ePROMs - Errors with IRONMAN 12 month PROMs
- [TN-726] - Libreoffice server going to 100% CPU due to glib < 2.54
- [TN-751] - Password reset confirmation dialog not displayed at proper time
- [TN-529] - ePROMs - New 'resources' page for site resources
- [TN-578] - Improve service token management
- [TN-596] - Content - use the original version to update the content -> it is updating the last version
- [TN-606] - MUSIC : P3P should save all assessment data to the portal (currently does epic26 only)
- [TN-674] - Files created on Liferay should carry human readable metadata
- [TN-679] - The CMS should block draft documents from going into Smartling
- [TN-697] - Content - Easy way to select content items when sending to smarting
- [TN-702] - ePROMs - Questionnaire banks for backdated PROMs when a new protocol is approved
- [TN-707] - ePROMs - Update 'indemnification' language for site resources
- [TN-723] - Make elasticsearch indexes persistent as a volume