An approximating SMT solver
Clone the repository and use SBT to assemble a stand-alone jar. If custom approximations are to be added, they should be implemented as an ApproximationCore object and added to the command-line options.
The project is build using SBT and requires Scala 2.11.8 or newer.
git clone ...
cd uuverifiers/uppsat/
sbt assembly
cp target/scala-2.11/uppsat-assembly-0.01.jar uppsat.jar
N.B. Back-ends has to be installed seperately (see below).
To execute uppsat, use either scala or java (see below) from the commandline:
scala uppsat.jar -app=ijcar -backend=z3 -validator=z3 examples/e2a_1.c.smt2
java -jar uppsat.jar -app=ijcar -backend=z3 -validator=z3 examples/e2a_1.c.smt2
Use -h to get more information about parameters.
UppSAT currently supports Z3 and MathSAT as back-ends. To use them, make sure that the programs "z3" and "mathsat" are available on the path (e.g., you can add them to the $PATH environmental variable). The current version of UppSAT has been tested with MathSAT5 5.5.1 and Z3 4.5.0.
When running sbt assembly a set of test-cases will be run automatically.