The objective of this assignment is to autonomously plan and execute a path for a robot in theStage simulator from a start location to a goal location, given a map. The global plan is given by A*and the local planning is done using a modified Vector Field Histogram (VFH)
- map.txt - The map of the simulator world described as a 1D array with 0s and 1s
- playground.pgm - Bitmap image used to describe the obstacles and free space for thestage simulator
- - Configuration file for the stage simulator that defines the robot and itsenvironment (using the playground.pgm file)
1. Create a new package called ros_pa2
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg ros_pa2 std_msgs geometry_msgs rospy roscppcd
2. Place the world files (playground.pgm and into an appropriate subfolderwithin ros_pa2. (Similar to the ros_pa1 package)
3. Create a launch file called pa2.launch in ~/catkin_ws/src/ros_pa2 to run the stagesimulator using the given world file.
You can copy the launch file from PA1 and edit itaccordingly.