- 3D map of "room"/surrounding area - using Octomap or similar. This provides a 3D volumetric representation of the space
Status: Done
Approach/Steps followed:
-> 3d environment and navigation using Morse simulator.
-> Pcl data is received from the morse simualtor.
-> Octomap is used to construct the 3d Map.
Note: A default sample kitchen environment present in Morse simulator is used currently.
- Find supporting planes in the 3D map. Plane fitting using PCL or you hand code which areas of the map we will consider. Outcome of this will be a list of voxels in the map.
Status: Done
Approach/Steps followed: -> Use of RANSAC and Perpendicular plane model for segmentation.
-> The segmented pcl is fed into the octomap server to generate a 3D map having only horizontal planar surfaces.
-> May need further refining of parameters based on the need.
- Distribute probability over the identified voxels.
Status: Work in progress
Approach/Steps followed:
-> Initially consider uniform probability and visualise in rviz.
-> Add probabilities for different regions. (initially hard code the probabilities)
- Plan to take views which maximise probability of seeing object. (follow Alper's approach) Not started
Note: Refer the tutorials for detailed instructions.