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If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.


Module Summary

Software Development is a many layered skill. One simple way to break it down is to think of these layers:

  1. Source Code: The basic literacy of programming
    • Learning the key words (vocabulary) and syntax (grammar) for your programming language
    • Being able to read your code out loud, or write the code that someone else is describing
    • Fixing syntax errors that occur when you try to run your code
    • Writing code that does not have syntax errors, and spotting syntax errors when you do
    • The Debugging Module will focus on these skills

  2. Machine Instructions: The basic mechanics of programming
    • Understanding the life-cycle of your program
    • Understand how the computer will interpret your source code to create a running program
    • Understand what about your code matters to the computer, and what matters to people
    • Predicting which lines of code will be executed in which order
    • Predicting how each line of code will change what is stored in program memory
    • Reading error messages & callstacks to fix fix semantic errors that occur when you run your code
    • The Debugging Module will focus on these skills

  3. Problem Solving & Algorithms: Breaking down large problems to be solved in small steps
    • Understanding a coding challenge and being able to break it down in different ways
    • Determining which solution strategies are correct for which types of problems
    • Understanding how test cases are used to describe your solution strategy
    • Identifying the best language feature to use with your strategy
    • Reading test cases to understand how code is supposed to behave
    • Using Test Cases to structure your solution design process (Test Driven Development)
    • Identifying and isolating mistakes in your code by reading failing test cases
    • Demonstrating your code does what you think it does by passing test cases
    • The Testing Module will focus on these skills

  4. Software Design: Organizing smaller pieces of code into full software solutions
    • All in good time ;)
    • Every other module starting with Separation of Concerns will focus on these skills


Learning Objectives

Programming Skills

  • Learning from Code
    • Reading & understanding source code
    • Making small, incremental experiments
    • Copying & modifying others' code
  • Tracing Program Execution
    • Stepping through code with JS Tutor, DevTools & VSC debugger
    • Tracing values manually with pencil & paper
    • Using the debugger statement & break points to explore your code
  • Using console.assert for small inline tests
    • Learn to predict what will happen using console.assert
    • Instead of only describing what did happen using console.log
  • Debugging:
    • Bugs are when you don't understand what your code is doing, not when your code doesn't understand what you want it to do! The computer is always right :)
    • Identify the line(s) of code that are not doing what you expect
    • Find several other ways of writing that line
    • Replace with the one that works and that you understand best

Isolating JavaScript

  • Primitives Types & Strict Comparison
    • types: find the type of a primitive using typeof
    • strict comparison: compare the type and value of two primitives using === & !==
    • explicit coercion: casting between primitive types
  • Explicit Type Coercion
    • Boolean, String, Number
  • Operators & Comparisons
    • ===, !==
    • isNaN and Number.isNaN
    • >, <, >=, <=
    • &&, ||, ??, !
    • x++, ++x, x--, --x
    • +, *, /, -, %
    • x ? y : z
  • Variables:
    • let & const
    • Declaration, Assignment & Re-Assignment.
  • Functions:
    • Declaring vs. Calling
    • Arguments vs. Parameters
    • Return Values
    • Lexical scope
    • function () {} and () => {}
  • Control Flow
    • Conditionals
    • Loops
  • prompt, alert, and confirm
    • Reading different types from users
  • Statements vs. Expressions
  • JS Program Life-Cycle:
    1. Source code: The .js text file you write. These are just instructions saved as text in your computer, not a live program!
    2. Creation Phase: When the JavaScript interpreter first reads your instructions. At this point it will prepare the program memory and check for some types of errors.
    3. Execution Phase: This is the real deal! The JavaScript interpreter will now step through your instructions one line at at time, updating program memory according to your instructions.
  • Errors:
    • Syntax vs. Semantic: Some errors happen because you wrote JavaScript that the interpreter couldn't interpret (syntax), other errors happen when you try to do something that isn't allowed (semantic).
    • Creation vs. Execution: Some errors are thrown before the program actually starts (creation phase), others are thrown during program execution when a line of code is reached (execution phase).

Integrating JavaScript

  • Document Life-Cycle
    • <head>: Scripts & styles are loaded top to bottom, before the <body>
    • <body>: Everything is executed/loaded top to bottom
  • Event-Driven Programming (Handling user input)
    • HTML onclick attribute
    • well-organized click handlers
    • separate functions for logic and click handling

Debugging Skills

  • console.log
    • Printing values to understand what did happen in your code
    • Always print the type AND the value
  • console.assert
    • Asserting values to predict what will happen in your code
    • Practice how to use all comparison operators to assert values in memory
  • Stepping through code execution
    • Using debugging tools to execute your code one step at a time
    • Predict which line of code will execute next
    • Explain and understand how each line of code changes what is in memory
    • Predict what will change in memory after each step of execution
  • The debugger statement
  • Using professional JS debugging tools
    • Browser Debugger
    • VSCode Debugger
  • Using learning-focused debugging tools
    • JS Tutor


Study Tips

  • Don't rush, understand! Programming is hard.
    • The examples and exercises will still be there to study later.
    • It's better to fail tests slowly and learn from your mistakes than to pass tests quickly and not understand why.
  • Practice Pair Programming: two people, one computer.
  • Don't skip the examples! Understanding and experimenting with working code is a very effective way to learn programming.
  • Take a look through the Learning From Code guide for more study tips


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  • HTML 53.4%
  • JavaScript 46.6%