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Uniform Component Starter Kit

This is the latest version of the Uniform Component Starter Kit (CSK) - version 6, built specifically for Next.js 15 App Router leveraging React 19, TailwindCSS and TypeScript.

If you are looking for the Next.js Page Router version, check out this older repo instead.

Key changes in v6

  1. This version is built specifically for Next.js 15 and React 19, leveraging the latest Uniform SDK v20+, enabled for all the latest Uniform DXP features!
  2. Minimalistic and simplified approach:
    • zero external dependencies besides @uniformdev, minimum distractions - essentials only in the core version.
    • Zero components added by default, can add components into your codebase with npm run component:extract and customize how you see fit
    • More templates and solution recipes coming as stand-alone packages.
  3. Revamped theme management system based on a new Design Extensions integration that supports design tokens
  4. More atomic components supporting the authorable components paradigm
  5. Internationalization / localization ready
  6. Removed daisyui
  7. Included standard sitemap implementation
  8. Server-side rendering by default. Static site generation can be enabled on top.
  9. Dev Experience updates: component:scaffold and component:extract flows, watch mode for design extension update sync and a developer config for content sync that scopes the operation to developer artifacts only.

Check out more about it here where you can copy and paste components from right into your project!


  • A Uniform account with the ability to create a new empty project. If you don't have a Uniform account, you can request a trial account here.
  • Node.js LTS and git installed on your machine.

Getting started

Step 1. Initial setup

Option 1: via Uniform CLI

Run npx @uniformdev/cli new and pick Next.js -> Component Starter Kit from the interactive prompt. Complete the process to deploy a new instance of CSK to your

Option 2: manually

  1. git clone this repo.
  2. Create an empty Uniform project in your team.
  3. Setup your .env file using your Uniform project connection details (see .env.example for reference)

    Make sure your API key has "Developer" role to be able to push content.

  4. npm install to install dependencies
  5. Run npm run init to initialize your project.

    This will push all content from disk (.\content folder) and your design settings (colors, fonts, borders, etc. for this default theme).

Step 2. Run locally in dev mode

Use npm run dev to run locally. At this point, you should be able to browse your site on http://localhost:3000 and open the Home composition in your Uniform project to start visual editing your content.

Step 3. Install the Design Extensions integration

This integration brings new parameter types for design and layout control via Uniform UI extensions to help control and manage the look and feel of your components.

  1. Open your project. Your project
  2. Navigate to the Integrations tab, find the Design Extensions integration and install it.

How to sync content

The following scripts are created to facilitate sync of content between the ./content folder and your project.

  1. Run npm run push:content to push data from disk (see ./content) to your Uniformproject.
  2. Run npm run pull:content to pull data from your Uniform project to ./content folder.

Alternatively you can use npm run pull:content:dev and npm run push:content:dev to pull and push developer-owned content to your local project. The scope of the developer-owned content is defined in the file.

Developer-owned content typically scoped to components, content types, component patterns but can vary based on the stage of your project lifecycle and your preferences. For example, at some point, you may not want to sync assets like images, videos, etc.

Other scripts

Design Extension Sync

⚠️ Important

Whenever you add new colors, dimensions, fonts, or borders, your application should recognize these values. To ensure this, you need to run:

npm run pull:dex

This command is automatically executed when running:

  • Development mode:
    npm run dev:watch
  • Build process:
    npm run build

🔄 Automatic Synchronization

When modifying an existing value, your app will automatically fetch the updated configuration in two cases:

  1. If you are in preview mode (within the canvas).
  2. If the WATCH environment variable is set to true.

🎨 Working with Styles

If you prefer managing styles manually, you can modify the predefined configuration files located in the styles/ directory:

  • styles/border.css
  • styles/colors.css
  • styles/dimensions.css
  • styles/fonts.css

After making changes, push the updated configuration using:

npm run push:dex

This will update the Design Extensions Integration with your new styles.

🌙 Dark Mode Integration

When developing an application that supports dark mode, ensure that your integration recognizes dark theme colors by defining them inside the .dark class:

.dark {
  --text-primary: #752b2b;
  --text-secondary: #391717;
  --text-tertiary: #6f5454;
  --text-light: #ed1616;
  --text-dark: #3e867d;

This ensures that the Design Extension Integration correctly identifies and applies dark mode styling.

🗂 Managing Groups in Design Extension

By default, the Design Extension includes two predefined groups:

  • button
  • text

Understanding allowGroups.json

When your project is still using the default configuration, the allowGroups.json file will be empty. However, if you add a custom group (e.g., page), it will be added to this file automatically.

Example: Adding a Custom Group (Page)

If you introduce a new group, such as page, the allowGroups.json file will be updated as follows:

{ "color": ["button", "page", "text"] }

Creating and Pushing Custom Groups

You can define your own groups and push them using:

npm run push:dex

🔹 Important: The Design Extension Integration will only display a group if it contains values.

Linking Design Tokens to a Group

To assign a design token to a specific group, the token's name must be prefixed with the group name.

Example: Assigning Colors to a Group

For the page group to be recognized, you should define colors using the page- prefix:

--page-background-primary: #ffffff;

After this, the token will be correctly linked to the Page section in your Design Extension Integration.

Supported Grouping Categories

Currently, grouping is supported for:
Color tokens
Dimension tokens

Publishing manifest file via CLI

  1. Run npm run uniform:publish to publish the manifest with A/B testing and personalization configuration.