Registration for uncommon hacks.
Here's how state happens when people apply.
start by asking Claude or Ben to make you an account on the uncommonhacks AWS. Then go to IAM and generate yourself some keys.
to set this up, install aws-cli
onto your dev machine, then run aws configure
and put in the key stuff from IAM.
After that you should be good to just run zappa update
from the main directory and itll push to the dev lambda w00t
zappa invoke --raw dev "from django.contrib.auth.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser('admin', '[email protected]', 'horse battery stapler')"
python makemigrations
zappa update dev
zappa manage dev migrate
this is already done on the uncommonhacks aws
set django-registration-url to be the hostname part of the URL that zappa gives you when you run zappa update. Should be of type String.
set registration-django-secret-key (type SecureString) to be the "secret key" from django's it should just be a long random string lol
set the database parameters to be... right lol
make a second s3 bucket and put it in should be public-readable, owner-only writable. don't put anything sensitive in there, it's public-readable!!!