This repository contains the code and documentation needed for the develoment of RoboFlagger.
RoboFlagger is a two robot system that can be operated manually or autonomously. The three main software pieces required to run RoboFlagger are:
- which should be ran on the raspberry pi. This processes commands issued by the controller (
- which acts as the master controller for the raspberry pis
- sketch_robot.ino which controls the peripherals that roboflagger is equipped with
Git Workflow
To start a new branch and work locally on your own machine:
- git checkout -b "name of your branch"
- make changes to the branch
- type git status to view the changes you made
- do git add or git rm to add or remove changes you want to commit
- git commit -m "something you want to comment"
- git push to upload your local branch to origin Sometimes, the command prompt will tell you to upload stream. Yes, you want to create a new stream so follow the instructions.
To merge into master from github
- Create a pull request
- Select the branch you want to merge
- Preferably have a reviewer review your changes before confirming the pull request