The TSPg software implements the following algorithm that approximates Ward's agglomerative clustering:
S. Sieranoja, and P. Fränti, "Tsp-Graph for Agglomerative Clustering",
The software is provided with GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3. All files except those under data and contrib -folders are subject to this license. See LICENSE.txt.
Contact: [email protected]
Please, let me know how the software works for you if you try it out.
git clone
cd tspgclu
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
See python/
make clean
Cluster vectorial (numerical) S1 dataset (data/s1.txt) to 15 clusters:
./tspg data/s1.txt --type vec -T 10 -C 15 --algo tspgclu -o tmp/s1part.txt --cfn tmp/centroids.txt
./tspg data/birkbeckU.txt --type txt -T 10 -C 20 --algo tspgclu --dfun lev -o tmp/birkbeckU_part.txt -H
./show_text_clusters.rb data/birkbeckU.txt tmp/birkbeckU_part.txt > tmp/text_clu.html