=== Kurs BCA ===
Contributors: Bagas Udi Sahsangka
Donate link: http://www.udibagas.com
Tags: Kurs BCA, BCA Rate Plugins, Kurs Rupiah, Kurs Dolar
Requires at least: 4.4
Tested up to: 4.4.1
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
This Plugins Do scrapping from Indonesia Bank BCA URLs to get the Rate Exchange tables as a Widget, so you can easily put it on your Wordpress Sidebar. The Data is being pulled from here : http://www.bca.co.id/id/biaya-limit/kurs_counter_bca/kurs_counter_bca_landing.jsp.
== Description ==
This plugins do scrapping with HTML Simple DOM from Bank BCA URLs to get the Rate Exchange (Kurs) so you
can put easily this information on your Sidebar as Widget.
Easy to Use. Just Install the Plugins and Put the Widgets on Sidebars you want.
== Installation ==
- Download plugin from https://github.com/udibagas/wp_kurs_bca/archive/master.zip
- Upload zip file to plugin installer page or extract zip file and upload to
directory - Go to Appearance -> Widgets and Drag Kurs BCA Widgets to your Sidebar.
== Frequently asked questions ==
= How i get the Rate Exchange? =
I'm using HTML Simple DOM to scrapping the Exchange Rate Bank BCA from this url : http://www.bca.co.id/id/biaya-limit/kurs_counter_bca/kurs_counter_bca_landing.jsp
== Screenshots ==