*** This repository is the implementation of the following papers: ***
Hien To, Gabriel Ghinita, and Cyrus Shahabi, A Framework for Protecting Worker Location Privacy in Spatial Crowdsourcing, In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Pages 919-930, Hangzhou, China, September 2014
Hien To, Gabriel Ghinita, and Cyrus Shahabi , PrivGeoCrowd: A Toolbox for Studying Private Spatial Crowdsourcing, 2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), (demonstration), Page 1404 - 1407, Korea, 13-17 April 2015
Related studies:
----------- VERSION ---------------------------------
----------- REQUIRED LIBRARIES ----------------------
----------- PACKAGES --------------------------------
: experimentation
common classes
: geocast classes
: grid-based PSDs
: htree-base PSDs
: quadtree-based and kdtree-based PSDs
: localness approaches
: a package to provide services for VLDB14's demo
: library to find smallest enclosing circle
: PSD logs and geocast logs
----------- USAGES -----------------------------------
A) PSD Experiments
Parameters in htree/Params.py
DATASET: name of the dataset, e.g., "yelp"
+ PercentSplit: budget allocated for split
+ splitFrac: splitting budget percentage for 1st level, (1-splitFrac) for 2nd level
+ minPartSizeHTree: maximum number of data points in a leaf node
+ dynamicGranularity: compute granularity of the htree automatically
+ c_htree: a constant for computing granularity automatically
+ CONSTRAINT_INFERENCE: applying constraint inference (for both htrees and grids)
+ partitionsHTree: maximum size of the htree
+ switchPartitionsHTree: determine the size of first level tree (used for both h-trees and grids)
+ nQuery: the number of queries
+ queryUnit: the maximum query size
+ IS_LOGGING: enable logging individual query result
Parameters in PSDExp.py (starting point is at the end) seed_list: an array of seeds shape_list: an array of query size (the maximum query size is queryUnit in htree/Params.py) eps_list: an array of budgets
Run experiments with the following command
python PSDExp.py
The aggregated estimation error is in the corresponding folder in ../output/ (see the PSD RESULT)
The core dump estimation error is in folder ../log/. Each file is associated with a method. (see the CORE DUMP)
The debug file is in exp/debug.log
B) Geocast Experiments
python GeocastExp.py
----------- PSD RESULT --------------------------------------
Each file contains aggregated results of nQuery*size(seed_list) queries.
Data in each file is in tabular format. Rows are corresponding to budgets (i.e., eps_list) while columns are corresponding to PSD variants (method_list in PSDExp.py)
----------- PSD CORE DUMP -----------------------------------
Each file in ../log/ dumps the following information: query coordinates, query area (square km), values, errors
minLat minLng maxLat maxLng area real_val est_val abs_err rel_err
----------- GEOCAST CORE DUMP -------------------------------
File name: geocast_{eps}.log
Each line format: <is_assigned, #cells, lat lon, cell_1 info, cell_2 info....>
1, 1, -120.081499 47.863793, 1 4 4 33 678 674.4 3.2 1.0 1.0
1, 2, -108.865274 32.231816, 3 0 23 9 75 47.1 2.1 0.906 0.906, 3 0 23 8 154 190.7 2.9 1.0 1.0
Info of each cell includes: <k l i j #workers noisy_count cost u_c u >
>> (k, l): index of the first level grid
>> (i, j): index of the second level grid (in case level = 2), i,j=1 means this is the first level cell
>> cost: distance between the task and the cell's center
>> u_c: utility of the cell
>> u: updated utility