ぜn# Vagrant VMware Desktop Providers
This is the common codebase for the official providers for VMware desktop products: Fusion, Player, and Workstation. This therefore works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
All the desktop plugins share a common box format known as vmware_desktop
The plugins also all support the formats vmware_fusion
, vmware_workstation
and vmware_player
There are two separate parts which work together to provide the vagrant-vmware-desktop functionality. The first is the vagrant-vmware-desktop RubyGem. This does the bulk of the work for the plugin. The second part is a vagrant-vmware-utility service that the vagrant-vmware-desktop plugin interacts with. The purpose of this part of the plugin is to do operations which require privleged access on the host. This includes network operations and verification of fusion/workstation.
Using bundler allows for local development. If you need to test the RubyGem plugin on another system you can build a gem by building directly:
gem build vagrant-vmware-desktop.gemspec
This part fo the plugin lives in the go_src
directory and is required to be
running when using the vagrant-vmware-desktop plugin. To build and start it:
cd go_src/vagrant-vmware-utility
go build
./vagrant-vmware-utility certificate generate
sudo ./vagrant-vmware-utility api
In a user console, run:
cd go_src\vagrant-vmware-utility
go build
.\vagrant-vmware-utility certificate generate
In an administrator console, run:
cd go_src\vagrant-vmware-utility
.\vagrant-vmware-utility api
The plugin interacts with the utility service via a REST API. The utility service creates
these certificates with the certificate generate
./vagrant-vmware-utility certificate generate
This will output the path to certificates directory. Because a development build is in use, the plugin will be unable to locate the certificates to communicate with the API. The plugin can be configured with the directory path:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provider :vmware_desktop do |vmware|
vmware.utility_certificate_path = "PATH"
Another option is to link the certificates directory to the location the plugin expects to find them:
$ sudo mkdir /opt/vagrant-vmware-desktop
$ sudo ln -s PATH /opt/vagrant-vmware-desktop/certificates