Use this plugin to deploy an app to TestFlight. It requires you configure values for the following TestFlight properties:
- testFlightApiToken
- testFlightTeamToken
- testFlightDistroList
- testFlightNotifyDistroList
- testFlightBuildNotes
- filePath
These may be added as properties inside a project's pom. However to avoid hard coding the tokens and checking in critical data such as API keys, the properties may also be configured externally in your maven settings.xml file.
Continuous Integration
Adding this capability to your project's continuous integration maven build step requires the addition of the profile to your maven command line. This configuration will push a your artifact with every build.
Also checkout the ci-teamcity-testflight-plugin to incorporate a plugin into your TeamCity installation. This plugin will give you a form on the Build Results tab that allows you to click a button, tag and push a build on demand to TestFlight.