rhine-dom #901
1 error and 10 warnings
Run HLint
HLint failed with status: 1. Warning (8), Suggestion (8)
Run HLint:
Suggestion in apInjs_NPNonEmpty in module FRP.Rhine.Schedule.Internal: Use camelCase ▫︎ Found: "apInjs_NPNonEmpty ::\n (SListI xs) => NP f (x ': xs) -> NonEmpty (NS f (x ': xs))" ▫︎ Perhaps: "apInjsNPNonEmpty ::\n (SListI xs) => NP f (x ': xs) -> NonEmpty (NS f (x ': xs))"
Run HLint:
Suggestion in apInjs_NPNonEmpty in module FRP.Rhine.Schedule.Internal: Use camelCase ▫︎ Found: "apInjs_NPNonEmpty (fx :* fxs) = ..." ▫︎ Perhaps: "apInjsNPNonEmpty (fx :* fxs) = ..."
Run HLint:
Suggestion in scheduleStreams in module FRP.Rhine.Schedule.Internal: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "finished <&> (hliftA (getRunningResult >>> resultState >>> I))" ▫︎ Perhaps: "finished <&> hliftA (getRunningResult >>> resultState >>> I)"
Run HLint:
Warning in module Main: Use fewer imports ▫︎ Found: "import FRP.Rhine.Tree\nimport FRP.Rhine.Tree\n" ▫︎ Perhaps: "import FRP.Rhine.Tree\n"
Run HLint:
Warning in module Main: Use fewer imports ▫︎ Found: "import Language.Javascript.JSaddle\n ( askJSM,\n fun,\n global,\n js,\n js1,\n jsg,\n jsg3,\n jss,\n nextAnimationFrame,\n runJSM,\n syncPoint,\n valToNumber,\n valToJSON )\nimport Language.Javascript.JSaddle\n" ▫︎ Perhaps: "import Language.Javascript.JSaddle\n"
Run HLint:
Warning in module Main: Use fewer imports ▫︎ Found: "import FRP.Rhine.Tree.Types ( DOM(..) )\nimport FRP.Rhine.Tree.Types ( Node(..), Content(ContentText) )\n" ▫︎ Perhaps: "import FRP.Rhine.Tree.Types\n ( DOM(..), Node(..), Content(ContentText) )\n"
Run HLint:
Suggestion in AnEvent in module FRP.Rhine.Tree: Use newtype instead of data ▫︎ Found: "data AnEvent a = AnEvent (Event a)" ▫︎ Perhaps: "newtype AnEvent a = AnEvent (Event a)" ▫︎ Note: decreases laziness
Run HLint:
Warning in indexAutomaton1 in module FRP.Rhine.Tree: Functor law ▫︎ Found: "maybeStep <&> unzipResult <&> mapResultState (fromMaybe s)" ▫︎ Perhaps: "(maybeStep <&> mapResultState (fromMaybe s) . unzipResult)"
Run HLint:
Warning in diff in module FRP.Rhine.Tree: Use mapMaybe ▫︎ Found: "align fa1 fa2\n ^@.. t <. to (these (pure . const Delete) (pure . Add) diff0)\n <&> (\\ (i, me) -> (i,) <$> me)\n & catMaybes" ▫︎ Perhaps: "mapMaybe\n (\\ (i, me) -> (i,) <$> me)\n (align fa1 fa2\n ^@.. t <. to (these (pure . const Delete) (pure . Add) diff0))"
Run HLint:
Suggestion in JSMClock in module FRP.Rhine.Tree: Use newtype instead of data ▫︎ Found: "data JSMClock = JSMClock {events :: MVar JSMEvent}" ▫︎ Perhaps: "newtype JSMClock = JSMClock {events :: MVar JSMEvent}" ▫︎ Note: decreases laziness