- Tung Tran (101274157)
- Bao Le (101241935)
- Truc Le (101179999)
Youtube link for video demo:
Setup Instructions
Database Setup
Create Database:
Open the PostgreSQL command line tool (psql) and run: CREATE DATABASE fitnessclubtest;
Application Setup
Environment Setup:
Ensure Python is installed on your system. Python Downloads Install psycopg2: pip install psycopg2 Configuration: Update the database connection parameters in with your PostgreSQL credentials.
Compile and Run the Application Run the application using Python: python
Application Functions:
- Admin: getAllUsers: Retrieves and displays a list of all users from the App_User table. getAllTrainers: Retrieves and displays details of all trainers, including personal and professional information. getAllMembers: Fetches and presents a complete list of all club members along with their relevant details. createClubEvent: Facilitates the creation of a new club event. getAllClubEvents: Lists all club events, including event details and participant counts.
- Trainer: getDateTimeforPT: Retrieves and displays the schedule for all personal training sessions. getDateTimeforClass: Lists the schedule for all fitness classes.
- Member: getDateTimeforPT: Fetches and displays the schedule of all personal training sessions. getDateTimeforClass: Lists all scheduled fitness classes, along with their details. memberDetail: Retrieves and presents detailed information for a specific club member.
BONUS FEATURE: Include a database Folder:
- Application: Include all source code for the application
- DDL_Query: This stores all query that is used to create tables.
- DQL_Query: This stores all query that is used to query the database.
- SQL folder: Includes all SQL command file
- DB_Schema folder: Includes 2NF and 3NF database schema
- ER_Diagram folder: Includes ER diagram.
The project report is submitted through Brightspace.