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pepicrft authored May 16, 2024
2 parents 70335fd + ba89c35 commit 73996ba
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Showing 2 changed files with 384 additions and 52 deletions.
331 changes: 283 additions & 48 deletions Sources/FileSystem/FileSystem.swift
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Expand Up @@ -8,47 +8,152 @@ public enum FileSystemItemType: CaseIterable, Equatable {
case file

public enum FileSystemError: Equatable, Error, CustomStringConvertible {
case moveNotFound(from: AbsolutePath, to: AbsolutePath)
case makeDirectoryAbsentParent(AbsolutePath)

public var description: String {
switch self {
case let .moveNotFound(from, to):
return "The file or directory at path \(from.pathString) couldn't be moved to \(to.parentDirectory.pathString). Ensure the source file or directory and the target's parent directory exist."
case let .makeDirectoryAbsentParent(path):
return "Couldn't create the directory at path \(path.pathString) because its parent directory doesn't exists."

/// Options to configure the move operation.
public enum MoveOptions: String {
/// When passed, it creates the parent directories of the target path if needed.
case createTargetParentDirectories

/// Options to configure the make directory operation.
public enum MakeDirectoryOptions: String {
/// When passed, it creates the parent directories if needed.
case createTargetParentDirectories

public protocol FileSysteming {
func createTemporaryDirectory(prefix: String) throws -> AbsolutePath
func runInTemporaryDirectory<T>(
prefix: String,
_ action: @Sendable (_ temporaryDirectory: AbsolutePath) async throws -> T
) async throws -> T

/// It checks for the presence of a file or directory.
/// - Parameter path: The path to be checked.
/// - Returns: Returns true if a file or directory exists.
func exists(_ path: AbsolutePath) async throws -> Bool
func exists(_ path: AbsolutePath, isDirectory: Bool) -> Bool
func touch(_ path: AbsolutePath) throws

/// It checks for the presence of files and directories.
/// - Parameters:
/// - path: The path to be checked.
/// - isDirectory: True if it should be checked that the path represents a directory.
/// - Returns: Returns true if a file or directory (depending on the `isDirectory` argument) is present.
func exists(_ path: AbsolutePath, isDirectory: Bool) async throws -> Bool

/// Creates a file at the given path
/// - Parameter path: Path where an empty file will be created.
func touch(_ path: AbsolutePath) async throws

/// It removes the file or directory at the given path.
/// - Parameter path: The path to the file or directory to remove.
func remove(_ path: AbsolutePath) async throws

/// It removes the file or directory at the given path.
/// - Parameters:
/// - path: The path to the file or directory to remove.
/// - recursively: When removing a directory, it removes the sub-directories recursively.
func remove(_ path: AbsolutePath, recursively: Bool) async throws

/// Creates a temporary directory and returns its path.
/// - Parameter prefix: Prefix for the randomly-generated directory name.
/// - Returns: The path to the directory.
func makeTemporaryDirectory(prefix: String) async throws -> AbsolutePath

/// Moves a file or directory from one path to another.
/// If the parent directory of the target path doesn't exist, it creates it by default.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: The path to move the file or directory from.
/// - to: The path to move the file or directory to.
func move(from: AbsolutePath, to: AbsolutePath) async throws

/// Moves a file or directory from one path to another.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: The path to move the file or directory from.
/// - to: The path to move the file or directory to.
/// - options: Options to configure the moving operation.
func move(from: AbsolutePath, to: AbsolutePath, options: [MoveOptions]) async throws

/// Makes a directory at the given path.
/// - Parameter at: The path at which the directory will be created
func makeDirectory(at: AbsolutePath) async throws

/// Makes a directory at the given path.
/// - Parameters:
/// - at: The path at which the directory will be created
/// - options: Options to configure the operation.
func makeDirectory(at: AbsolutePath, options: [MakeDirectoryOptions]) async throws

/// Reads the file at path and returns it as data.
/// - Parameter at: Path to the file to read.
/// - Returns: The content of the file as data.
func readFile(at: AbsolutePath) async throws -> Data

/// Reads the file at a given path, decodes its content using UTF-8 encoding, and returns the content as a String.
/// - Parameter at: Path to the file to read.
/// - Returns: The content of the file.
func readTextFile(at: AbsolutePath) async throws -> String

/// Reads the file at a given path, decodes its content using the provided encoding, and returns the content as a String.
/// - Parameters:
/// - at: Path to the file to read.
/// - encoding: The encoding of the content represented by the data.
/// - Returns: The content of the file.
func readTextFile(at: Path.AbsolutePath, encoding: String.Encoding) async throws -> String

/// Reads a property list file at a given path, and decodes it into the provided decodable type.
/// - Parameter at: The path to the property list file.
/// - Returns: The decoded structure.
func readPlistFile<T: Decodable>(at: AbsolutePath) async throws -> T

/// Reads a property list file at a given path, and decodes it into the provided decodable type.
/// - Parameters:
/// - at: The path to the property list file.
/// - decoder: The property list decoder to use.
/// - Returns: The decoded instance.
func readPlistFile<T: Decodable>(at: AbsolutePath, decoder: PropertyListDecoder) async throws -> T

/// Reads a JSON file at a given path, and decodes it into the provided decodable type.
/// - Parameter at: The path to the property list file.
/// - Returns: The decoded structure.
func readJSONFile<T: Decodable>(at: AbsolutePath) async throws -> T

/// Reads a JSON file at a given path, and decodes it into the provided decodable type.
/// - Parameters:
/// - at: The path to the property list file.
/// - decoder: The JSON decoder to use.
/// - Returns: The decoded instance.
func readJSONFile<T: Decodable>(at: AbsolutePath, decoder: JSONDecoder) async throws -> T

// /// Returns the current path.
// var currentPath: AbsolutePath { get }
// /// Returns `AbsolutePath` to home directory
// var homeDirectory: AbsolutePath { get }
// func inTemporaryDirectory(_ closure: @escaping (AbsolutePath) async throws -> Void) async throws
// func inTemporaryDirectory(_ closure: (AbsolutePath) throws -> Void) throws
// func inTemporaryDirectory(removeOnCompletion: Bool, _ closure: (AbsolutePath) throws -> Void) throws
// func inTemporaryDirectory<Result>(_ closure: (AbsolutePath) throws -> Result) throws -> Result
// func inTemporaryDirectory<Result>(removeOnCompletion: Bool, _ closure: (AbsolutePath) throws -> Result) throws ->
// Result
// func replace(_ to: AbsolutePath, with: AbsolutePath) throws
// func move(from: AbsolutePath, to: AbsolutePath) throws
// func copy(from: AbsolutePath, to: AbsolutePath) throws
// func readFile(_ at: AbsolutePath) throws -> Data
// func readTextFile(_ at: AbsolutePath) throws -> String
// func readPlistFile<T: Decodable>(_ at: AbsolutePath) throws -> T
// /// Determine temporary directory either default for user or specified by ENV variable
// func determineTemporaryDirectory() throws -> AbsolutePath
// func temporaryDirectory() throws -> AbsolutePath
// func inTemporaryDirectory(_ closure: @escaping (AbsolutePath) async throws -> Void) async throws
// func inTemporaryDirectory(_ closure: (AbsolutePath) throws -> Void) throws
// func inTemporaryDirectory(removeOnCompletion: Bool, _ closure: (AbsolutePath) throws -> Void) throws
// func inTemporaryDirectory<Result>(_ closure: (AbsolutePath) throws -> Result) throws -> Result
// func inTemporaryDirectory<Result>(removeOnCompletion: Bool, _ closure: (AbsolutePath) throws -> Result) throws -> Result
// func write(_ content: String, path: AbsolutePath, atomically: Bool) throws
// func locateDirectoryTraversingParents(from: AbsolutePath, path: String) -> AbsolutePath?
// func locateDirectory(_ path: String, traversingFrom from: AbsolutePath) throws -> AbsolutePath?
// func files(in path: AbsolutePath, nameFilter: Set<String>?, extensionFilter: Set<String>?) -> Set<AbsolutePath>
// func glob(_ path: AbsolutePath, glob: String) -> [AbsolutePath]
// func throwingGlob(_ path: AbsolutePath, glob: String) throws -> [AbsolutePath]
// func linkFile(atPath: AbsolutePath, toPath: AbsolutePath) throws
// func createFolder(_ path: AbsolutePath) throws
// func delete(_ path: AbsolutePath) throws
// func isFolder(_ path: AbsolutePath) -> Bool
// func touch(_ path: AbsolutePath) throws
// func contentsOfDirectory(_ path: AbsolutePath) throws -> [AbsolutePath]
// func urlSafeBase64MD5(path: AbsolutePath) throws -> String
// func fileSize(path: AbsolutePath) throws -> UInt64
Expand All @@ -69,7 +174,45 @@ public struct FileSystem: FileSysteming {
self.logger = logger

public func createTemporaryDirectory(prefix: String) throws -> AbsolutePath {
public func exists(_ path: AbsolutePath) async throws -> Bool {
logger?.debug("Checking if a file or directory exists at path \(path.pathString)")
let info = try await .init(path.pathString))
return info != nil

public func exists(_ path: AbsolutePath, isDirectory: Bool) async throws -> Bool {
if isDirectory {
logger?.debug("Checking if a directory exists at path \(path.pathString)")
} else {
logger?.debug("Checking if a file exists at path \(path.pathString)")
guard let info = try await .init(path.pathString)) else {
return false
return info.type == (isDirectory ? .directory : .regular)

public func touch(_ path: Path.AbsolutePath) async throws {
logger?.debug("Touching a file at path \(path.pathString)")
_ = try await NIOFileSystem.FileSystem.shared.withFileHandle(forWritingAt: .init(path.pathString)) { writer in
try await writer.write(contentsOf: "".data(using: .utf8)!, toAbsoluteOffset: 0)

public func remove(_ path: Path.AbsolutePath) async throws {
try await remove(path, recursively: true)

public func remove(_ path: AbsolutePath, recursively: Bool) async throws {
if recursively {
logger?.debug("Removing the directory at path recursively: \(path.pathString)")
} else {
logger?.debug("Removing the file or directory at path: \(path.pathString)")
try await NIOFileSystem.FileSystem.shared.removeItem(at: .init(path.pathString), recursively: recursively)

public func makeTemporaryDirectory(prefix: String) async throws -> AbsolutePath {
let systemTemporaryDirectory = NSTemporaryDirectory()
let temporaryDirectory = try AbsolutePath(validating: systemTemporaryDirectory)
.appending(component: "\(prefix)-\(UUID().uuidString)")
Expand All @@ -81,41 +224,133 @@ public struct FileSystem: FileSysteming {
return temporaryDirectory

public func exists(_ path: AbsolutePath) async throws -> Bool {
logger?.debug("Checking if a file or directory exists at path \(path.pathString)")
let info = try await .init(path.pathString))
return info != nil
public func move(from: Path.AbsolutePath, to: Path.AbsolutePath) async throws {
try await move(from: from, to: to, options: [.createTargetParentDirectories])

public func exists(_ path: AbsolutePath, isDirectory: Bool) -> Bool {
if isDirectory {
logger?.debug("Checking if a directory exists at path \(path.pathString)")
public func move(from: AbsolutePath, to: AbsolutePath, options: [MoveOptions]) async throws {
if options.isEmpty {
logger?.debug("Moving the file or directory from path \(from.pathString) to \(to.pathString)")
} else {
logger?.debug("Checking if a file exists at path \(path.pathString)")
"Moving the file or directory from path \(from.pathString) to \(to.pathString) with options: \(\.rawValue).joined(separator: ", "))"
do {
if options.contains(.createTargetParentDirectories) {
if !(try await exists(to.parentDirectory, isDirectory: true)) {
try await makeDirectory(at: to.parentDirectory, options: [.createTargetParentDirectories])
try await NIOFileSystem.FileSystem.shared.moveItem(at: .init(from.pathString), to: .init(to.pathString))
} catch let error as NIOFileSystem.FileSystemError {
if error.code == .notFound {
throw FileSystemError.moveNotFound(from: from, to: to)
} else {
throw error
var checkedIsDirectory: ObjCBool = false
let exists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path.pathString, isDirectory: &checkedIsDirectory)
return exists && checkedIsDirectory.boolValue == isDirectory

public func runInTemporaryDirectory<T>(
prefix: String,
_ action: @Sendable (_ temporaryDirectory: AbsolutePath) async throws -> T
) async throws -> T {
let temporaryDirectory = try createTemporaryDirectory(prefix: prefix)
defer {
try? self.remove(temporaryDirectory)
public func makeDirectory(at: Path.AbsolutePath) async throws {
try await makeDirectory(at: at, options: [.createTargetParentDirectories])

public func makeDirectory(at: Path.AbsolutePath, options: [MakeDirectoryOptions]) async throws {
if options.isEmpty {
"Creating directory at path \(at.pathString) with options: \(\.rawValue).joined(separator: ", "))"
} else {
logger?.debug("Creating directory at path \(at.pathString)")
do {
try await NIOFileSystem.FileSystem.shared.createDirectory(
at: .init(at.pathString),
withIntermediateDirectories: options
} catch let error as NIOFileSystem.FileSystemError {
if error.code == .invalidArgument {
throw FileSystemError.makeDirectoryAbsentParent(at)
} else {
throw error
return try await action(temporaryDirectory)

public func remove(_ path: AbsolutePath) throws {
logger?.debug("Removing directory or file at path: \(path.pathString)")
try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: path.pathString)
public func readFile(at: Path.AbsolutePath) async throws -> Data {
let handle = try await NIOFileSystem.FileSystem.shared.openFile(forReadingAt: .init(at.pathString), options: .init())
let result: Result<Data, Error>
do {
var bytes: [UInt8] = []
for try await var chunk in handle.readChunks() {
let chunkBytes = chunk.readBytes(length: chunk.capacity) ?? []
bytes.append(contentsOf: chunkBytes)
result = .success(Data(bytes))
} catch {
result = .failure(error)
try await handle.close()
switch result {
case let .success(data): return data
case let .failure(error): throw error

public func touch(_ path: Path.AbsolutePath) throws {
logger?.debug("Touching a file at path \(path.pathString)")
try "".write(toFile: path.pathString, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
public func readTextFile(at: Path.AbsolutePath) async throws -> String {
try await readTextFile(at: at, encoding: .utf8)

public func readTextFile(at: Path.AbsolutePath, encoding: String.Encoding) async throws -> String {
let data = try await readFile(at: at)
guard let string = String(data: data, encoding: encoding) else {
return "TODO"
return string

public func readPlistFile<T>(at _: Path.AbsolutePath) async throws -> T where T: Decodable {
// swiftlint:disable:next force_cast
"TODO" as! T

public func readPlistFile<T>(at _: Path.AbsolutePath, decoder _: PropertyListDecoder) async throws -> T where T: Decodable {
// swiftlint:disable:next force_cast
"TODO" as! T

public func readJSONFile<T>(at _: Path.AbsolutePath) async throws -> T where T: Decodable {
// swiftlint:disable:next force_cast
"TODO" as! T

public func readJSONFile<T>(at _: Path.AbsolutePath, decoder _: JSONDecoder) async throws -> T where T: Decodable {
// swiftlint:disable:next force_cast
"TODO" as! T

public func runInTemporaryDirectory<T>(
prefix: String,
_ action: @Sendable (_ temporaryDirectory: AbsolutePath) async throws -> T
) async throws -> T {
var temporaryDirectory: AbsolutePath! = nil
var result: Result<T, Error>!
do {
temporaryDirectory = try await makeTemporaryDirectory(prefix: prefix)
result = .success(try await action(temporaryDirectory))
} catch {
result = .failure(error)
if let temporaryDirectory {
try await remove(temporaryDirectory)
switch result! {
case let .success(value): return value
case let .failure(error): throw error

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