This minor releases includes the addition of several new physical models, in addition to some bug fixes.
Physics improvements
- Implement Koch&Motz parametrization for PhotoPairProduction (#191)
- Add liquid argon as a new medium (#151 / #204)
- Add updated medium properties for Ice and Water; separate medium definitions from different PDG versions into different namespaces (by default, the most recent medium definitions are used) (#151 / #204)
- Add sampling methods for the creation of bremsstrahlung photons (#189)
- Fix numerical issues when propagating high energy muons with low energy cut settings (#210)
- Fixes and improvements for the calculation of ionization secondaries (#205)
- Fix in BremsElectronScreening parametrization: Use empirical correction factor only for energies below 50 MeV (#202)
- Repair bug where Propagation did not stop when a weak interaction occured (#190)
- Fix bug in calculation of photonuclear secondaries (#207)