A back-end client built using Rails and PostgreSQL for Keepr, a list app for keeping track of all the things you want to try. Includes Authentication.
API is hosted on Heroku at https://cryptic-fjord-23153.herokuapp.com/
** ERD ** Please note: 'Must-Try' Attribute has not yet been added to 'Category_Contents.' It will be added soon.
Verb | URI Pattern | Controller#Action |
POST | /sign-up |
users#signup |
POST | /sign-in |
users#signin |
PATCH | /change-password/:id |
users#changepw |
DELETE | /sign-out/:id |
users#signout |
** Please Note: Users are only permitted to access and modify their own categories. **
Verb | URI Pattern | Controller#Action |
GET | /categories |
categories#index |
GET | /categories/1 |
categories#show |
POST | /categories |
categories#create |
PATCH | /categories/1 |
categories#update |
DELETE | /categories/1 |
categories#destroy |
Verb | URI Pattern | Controller#Action |
GET | /categories/1/things |
things#index |
GET | /things/1 |
things#show |
POST | /categories/1/things |
things#create |
(Join Table between Things and Categories)
** Please Note: Users are only permitted to access and modify their own categories' contents. **
Verb | URI Pattern | Controller#Action |
GET | /category_contents/1 |
category_contents#show |
POST | /category_contents |
category_contents#create |
PATCH | /category_contents/1 |
category_contents#update |
DELETE | /category_contents/1 |
category_contents#destroy |