is an R package for fast non-negative matrix factorization and divisive clustering using large sparse matrices.
RcppML NMF is:
- The fastest NMF implementation in any language for sparse and dense matrices
- More interpretable than other implementations due to diagonal scaling
- Easy to regularize with an L1 penalty
Install from CRAN or the development version from GitHub:
install.packages('RcppML') # install CRAN version
devtools::install_github("zdebruine/RcppML") # compile dev version
NOTE: RcppML is being actively developed. Please check that your packageVersion("RcppML")
is current before raising issues.
Check out the CRAN manual.
Once installed and loaded, RcppML C++ headers defining classes can be used in C++ files for any R package using #include <RcppML.hpp>
Sparse matrix factorization by alternating least squares:
- Non-negativity constraints
- L1 regularization
- Diagonal scaling
- Rank-1 and Rank-2 specializations (~2x faster than irlba SVD equivalents)
Read (and cite) our bioRXiv manuscript on NMF for single-cell experiments.
The nmf
function runs matrix factorization by alternating least squares in the form A = WDH
. The project
function updates w
or h
given the other, while the mse
function calculates mean squared error of the factor model.
A <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(1000, 100, 0.1) # sparse Matrix::dgCMatrix
model <- RcppML::nmf(A, k = 10, nonneg = TRUE)
h0 <- RcppML::project(A, w = model$w)
RcppML::mse(A, model$w, model$d, model$h)
The RcppML::MatrixFactorization
class is an object-oriented interface with methods for fitting, projecting, and evaluating linear factor models. It also contains a sparse matrix class equivalent to Matrix::dgCMatrix
in R.
#include <RcppML.hpp>
Rcpp::List RunNMF(const Rcpp::S4& A_, int k){
RcppML::SparseMatrix A(A_); // zero-copy, unlike arma or Eigen equivalents
RcppML::MatrixFactorization model(k, A.rows(), A.cols());
model.tol = 1e-5;
return Rcpp::List::create(
Rcpp::Named("w") = model.w,
Rcpp::Named("d") = model.d,
Rcpp::Named("h") = model.h,
Rcpp::Named("mse") = model.mse(A));
Divisive clustering by rank-2 spectral bipartitioning.
- 2nd SVD vector is linearly related to the difference between factors in rank-2 matrix factorization.
- Rank-2 matrix factorization (optional non-negativity constraints) for spectral bipartitioning ~2x faster than irlba SVD
- Sensitive distance-based stopping criteria similar to Newman-Girvan modularity, but orders of magnitude faster
- Stopping criteria based on minimum number of samples
The dclust
function runs divisive clustering by recursive spectral bipartitioning, while the bipartition
function exposes the rank-2 NMF specialization and returns statistics of the bipartition.
A <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(A, 1000, 1000, 0.1) # sparse Matrix::dgcMatrix
clusters <- dclust(A, min_dist = 0.001, min_samples = 5)
cluster0 <- bipartition(A)
The RcppML::clusterModel
class provides an interface to divisive clustering. In the future, more clustering algorithms may be added.
#include <RcppML.hpp>
Rcpp::List DivisiveCluster(const Rcpp::S4& A_, int min_samples, double min_dist){
RcppML::SparseMatrix A(A_);
RcppML::clusterModel model(A, min_samples, min_dist);
std::vector<RcppML::cluster> clusters = m.getClusters();
Rcpp::List result(clusters.size());
for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); ++i) {
result[i] = Rcpp::List::create(
Rcpp::Named("id") = clusters[i].id,
Rcpp::Named("samples") = clusters[i].samples,
Rcpp::Named("center") = clusters[i].center);
return result;
- Correlation distance between vectorized
models across consecutive iterations is unstable, especially when factorizing homoskedastic datasets becausew_{i - 1}
does not always correspond exactly tow_i
. Thus,w_{i-1}
must be aligned tow
using bipartite matching on a correlation distance matrix. The cost of bipartite matching / the number of factors then gives the tolerance. - Thresholding NNLS in coordiante descent - set to zero if below some threshold.
- Masking NA values automatically
- New sparse matrix classes and implementation