load build environment with appropriate modules
module load cmake gcc/6.4.0 cuda/9.0 root/v6.14.08-gcc-6.4.0
module load cmake gcc/8.2.0 cuda/10.1 root/6.18.02-gcc-8.2.0
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../FastCaloSimAnalyzer -DENABLE_XROOTD=off -DENABLE_GPU=on -DINPUT_PATH="/hpcgpfs01/work/csi/cce/FastCaloSimInputs"
make -j 8
load the runtime environment:
. x86_64-slc7-gcc8-opt/setup.sh
run the simulation
cd $your_work_directy
srun -A cce -p long -N1 -n1 runTFCSSimulation
ROOT v 6.14.08 (from tag) has been built with gcc8.3 and c++14 and installed in
While FastCaloSim can be built with c++17 support, nvcc (for CUDA) can only handle c++14
ROOT was built with
module load gcc/8.3.0
module load cmake/3.14.4
export CC=`which gcc`
export CXX=`which g++`
cmake -Dcxx=14 -Dcxx14=ON ../src
make -j30 VERBOSE=1 >& make.log
an example script is here
(code checked out in directory "src")
module load cuda
module load gcc/8.3.0
module load cmake/3.14.4
export ROOTDIR=/global/cfs/cdirs/atlas/leggett/root/v6-14-08_gcc83
export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTDIR/bin
export CC=`which gcc`
export CXX=`which g++`
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../src/FastCaloSimAnalyzer -DENABLE_XROOTD=off -DENABLE_GPU=on -DINPUT_PATH="/global/cfs/cdirs/atlas/leggett/data/FastCaloSimInputs" -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14
make -j 30 VERBOSE=1 >& make.log
to disable GPU, set option -DENABLE_GPU=off
source $BUILD_DIR/x86_64-linux15-gcc8-opt/setup.sh
module load esslurm
salloc -N 1 -t 30 -c 80 --gres=gpu:8 --exclusive -C gpu -A m1759
srun -N1 -n1 runTFCSSimulation
If Kokkos with a CUDA backend is already installed, ensure that the
environment variables KOKKOS_ROOT
points to the install area, and that
is in your PATH
. Otherwise:
Checkout Kokkos from [email protected]:kokkos/kokkos.git
Set the env var KOKKOS_INSTALL_DIR
to an appropriate value. CPU and
GPU architectures must be chosen. See here. For example, on a Haswell CPU and V100 GPU:
Build with
cmake ../src \
-DKokkos_CXX_STANDARD=14 \
make install
An example script to build and install Kokkos is here
To build with Kokkos instead of plain nvcc, make sure you have the Kokkos
environment loaded, and that $CXX
points to nvcc_wrapper
from Kokkos.
Then add -DUSE_KOKKOS=on
to the FastCaloSim cmake configuration
Random numbers are by default generated on the GPU if -DENABLE_GPU=On
is set
during configuration. Alternatively, to help comparison between CPU and GPU codes,
the random numbers can be generated on the CPU and transferred to the GPU. This is
enabled by setting the cmake configuration parameter -DRNDGEN_CPU=On
The number of hit cells and counts can be displayed by setting the environment
at run time. This will result in an output like:
HitCellCount: 12 / 12 nhit: 55
HitCellCount: 48 / 60 nhit: 1220 *
HitCellCount: 76 / 136 nhit: 4944 *
HitCellCount: 6 / 142 nhit: 10
HitCellCount: 1 / 143 nhit: 1
Lines marked with an asterisk were executed on the GPU.
The FastCaloSimAnalyzer code has been formatted with:
find FastCaloSimAnalyzer -type f -iname \*.h -o -iname \*.cpp -o -iname \*.cxx -o -iname \*.cu | xargs clang-format-9 -i -style=file