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Fixed hemibrain_extract_compartment_edgelist
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* Improved function description by detailing the returned columns
* Also fixed error with hemibrain_rread_neurons test
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alexanderbates committed Nov 11, 2020
1 parent 449a673 commit f5af9ad
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Showing 7 changed files with 121 additions and 50 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/hemibrain_read_neurons.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ hemibrain_read_neurons<-function(x = NULL,
clean = FALSE)
neurons.flow = union(neurons.flow.fh[as.character(y)], nz)
neurons.flow = neurons.flow.fh
neurons.flow = neurons.flow.fh[y]
neurons = neuprintr::neuprint_read_neurons(x, ...)
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion R/hemibrain_standardise.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

#' Use standard names and spellings
#' @description Standardise the names of lineage groups and transmitters.
#' @description Standardise the names of lineage groups, neuron compartments and transmitters.
#' @param x a character vector to be standardised.
#' @param invert return compartment numbers rather than names.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ standard_compartments <- function(x, invert = FALSE){
x[x=="primary.dendrite"] = 4
x[x=="primary.neurite"] = 7
x[x==0] = "unknown"
x[x==3] = "dendrite"
x[x==2] = "axon"
x[x==1] = "soma"
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133 changes: 104 additions & 29 deletions R/hemibrain_synapses.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,50 @@
#' partners returned. Broken down by axon/dendrite (\code{Label}), and
#' pre/postsynapses or pre/postsynaptic partners. Note that \code{hemibrain_extract_compartment_edgelist} will
#' only return connections between neurons given in the argument \code{x}.
#' @inheritParams flow_centrality
#' @param prepost whether to get presynapses, postsynapses or both
#' @return a \code{data.frame}
#' @return a \code{data.frame}. Depending on which synapse function was called, it can contain the columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"treenode_id"} { - the position of the node in the SWC-style table found at \code{neuron$d}, where the neuron is the skeleton for \code{bodyid}.}
#' \item{"connector_id"}{ - the unique ID for a pre/post synapse, as read from neuPrint. If this is not given, you are looking at a connection not a synapse.
#' In this case \code{count} should be given, which shows the number of synapses in this connection.}
#' \item{"prepost"}{ - whether the given synapse is a pre-synape (0, output synapse) or postsynapse (1, input synapse). Alternatively, if a connection is given,
#' whether this connection is presynaptic to \code{bodyid} (0, \code{bodyid} is target) or postsynaptic (1, \code{bodyid} is source).
#' \item{"x"}{ - x coordinate for the root point.}
#' \item{"y"}{ - y coordinate for the root point.}
#' \item{"z"}{ - z coordinate for the root point.}
#' \item{"confidence"}{ - FlyEM's confidence level. The lower the score, the more likely this synapse is an artefact.}
#' \item{"bodyid"}{ - The neuPrint neuron/body related to the synapse/connection given in each row.}
#' \item{"partner"}{ - The neuron connecting to \code{bodyid} by the givne synapse/connection.}
#' \item{"pre"}{ - The body ID for the presynaptic (source) neuron.}
#' \item{"partner"}{ - The body ID for the presynaptic (target) neuron.}
#' \item{"Label"}{ - The compartment of the \code{bodyid} neuron on which the synapse is placed / which receives/makes the given connection.
#' See \code{?standardise}.}
#' \item{"partner.Label"}{ - The compartment of the \code{partner} neuron on which the synapse is placed / which receives/makes the given connection.}
#' \item{"count"}{ - The number of synapses that make the given connection. Sometimes referred to as 'weight'.}
#' \item{"norm"}{ - The normalised synapse weight. \code{count} is divided by the total number of inputs that the
#' target neuron's (\code{post}) compartment (\code{Label}) has. I.e. this normalisation is by total inputs onto a dendrite or axon, not the whole neuron.}
#' @export
#' @rdname hemibrain_extract_connections
Expand All @@ -22,20 +62,15 @@
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Choose bodyids
#' al.local.neurons =
#' c("1702323386", "2068966051", "2069311379", "1702305987", "5812996027",
#' "1702336197", "1793744512", "1976565858", "2007578510", "2101339904",
#' "5813003258", "2069647778", "1947192569", "1883788812", "1916485259",
#' "1887177026", "2101348562", "2132375072", "2256863785", "5813002313",
#' "5813054716", "5813018847", "5813055448", "1763037543", "2101391269",
#' "1794037618", "5813018729", "2013333009")
#' some.pns = sample(pn.ids, 20)
#' # Read in these neurons
#' neurons = neuprintr::neuprint_read_neurons(al.local.neurons)
#' neurons = neuprintr::neuprint_read_neurons(some.pns)
#' # Re-root
#' neurons.flow = flow_centrality(neurons, polypre = TRUE,
#' mode = "centrifugal", split = "distance")
#' neurons.flow = flow_centrality(neurons,
#' polypre = TRUE,
#' mode = "centrifugal", split = "distance")
#' # Let's check that this worked
#' syns = hemibrain_extract_synapses(neurons.flow)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +119,7 @@ hemibrain_extract_connections <- function(x,
x = add_field_seq(x,x[,"bodyid"],field="bodyid")
prepost = match.arg(prepost)
syns = nat::nlapply(x,extract_synapses, unitary = TRUE, ...)
syns = nat::nlapply(x, extract_synapses, unitary = TRUE, ...)
syns =,syns)
}else if (nat::is.neuron(x)){
syns = extract_synapses(x, unitary = TRUE)
Expand All @@ -96,6 +131,8 @@ hemibrain_extract_connections <- function(x,
}else if (prepost=="POST"){
syns = syns[syns$prepost==1,]
syns$Label = standard_compartments(syns$Label)
syns$partner.Label = standard_compartments(syns$partner.Label)
rownames(syns) = 1:nrow(syns)
Expand All @@ -118,7 +155,7 @@ extract_synapses <-function(x, unitary = FALSE){
id = "id"
syn[[id]] = nullToNA(x[[id]])
syn[[id]] = nullToNA(as.character(x[[id]]))
syn[[id]] = gsub(" ","",syn[[id]])
syn$Label = nullToNA(x$d$Label[match(syn$treenode_id,x$d$PointNo)])
if(unitary){ # connections, rather than synapses
Expand All @@ -128,12 +165,13 @@ extract_synapses <-function(x, unitary = FALSE){
.data$prepost==1 ~ 0
)) %>% # i.e. switch perspective, presynapses connect to postsynaptic partners
dplyr::group_by(.data[[id]], .data$partner, .data$prepost, .data$Label) %>%
dplyr::mutate(weight = dplyr::n()) %>%
dplyr::distinct(.data[[id]], .data$partner, .data$prepost, .data$Label, .data$weight) %>%
dplyr::select(.data[[id]], .data$partner, .data$prepost, .data$Label, .data$weight) %>%
dplyr::mutate(count = dplyr::n()) %>%
dplyr::distinct(.data[[id]], .data$partner, .data$prepost, .data$Label, .data$count) %>%
dplyr::select(.data[[id]], .data$partner, .data$prepost, .data$Label, .data$count) %>% ->
syn$partner.Label = standard_compartments(syn$Label)

Expand All @@ -149,34 +187,71 @@ hemibrain_extract_compartment_edgelist <- function(x, ...){
names(syns.list) = NULL
lookup = nat::nlapply(syns.list, extract_lookup, ...)
lookup = unlist(lookup)
elists = nat::nlapply(syns.list, extract_elist, lookup = lookup, ...)
sel.cols = c("total.outputs", "total.inputs", "axon.outputs",
"dend.outputs", "axon.inputs", "dend.inputs")
mets = hemibrain_compartment_metrics(x, OmitFailures = TRUE, delta = 5, resample = NULL, locality = FALSE)
mets[] = 0
mets = x[,]
comp.meta = mets[,c("total.outputs", "total.inputs", "axon.outputs",
"dend.outputs", "axon.inputs", "dend.inputs")]
elists = nat::nlapply(syns.list, extract_elist, lookup = lookup, meta = comp.meta, ...)
elist =, elists)
rownames(elist) = 1:nrow(elist)
elist = elist[order(elist$norm, decreasing = TRUE),]
elist = elist[order(elist$count, decreasing = TRUE),]

# hidden
extract_elist <- function(syns, lookup){
# hidden, for one pre neuron
extract_elist <- function(syns, lookup, meta = NULL){
bodyid = unique(nullToNA(as.character(syns$bodyid)))
stop(bodyid, " not in rownames of meta")
} = nullToNA(as.numeric(meta[bodyid,"dend.inputs"])) = nullToNA(as.numeric(meta[bodyid,"axon.inputs"]))
}else{ = nrow(subset(syns, syns$prepost==1 & syns$Label==3)) = nrow(subset(syns, syns$prepost==1 & syns$Label==2))
warning("Argument 'meta' not given. norm column represents normalisation by the total number of pre-post connections
in the final data.frame, not necessarily the total number of postsynapses for
the 'post' neuron.")
syns %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$prepost==0) %>%
dplyr::mutate(partner.Label = lookup[as.character(.data$connector_id)]) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$bodyid, .data$partner, .data$Label) %>%
dplyr::mutate(weight = dplyr::n()) %>%
dplyr::distinct(.data$bodyid, .data$partner,.data$Label, .data$partner.Label, .data$weight) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$bodyid, .data$partner, .data$Label, .data$partner.Label, .data$weight) %>%
dplyr::filter(!$partner.Label) & .data$weight > 0) %>%
# Re-name for clarity
dplyr::filter(.data$prepost==1) %>%
dplyr::rename(post = .data$bodyid) %>%
dplyr::rename(pre = .data$partner) %>%
dplyr::rename(post.Label = .data$Label) %>%
# Compartment labels
dplyr::mutate(pre.Label = lookup[as.character(.data$connector_id)]) %>%
# Synapse counts
dplyr::group_by(.data$post, .data$pre, .data$post.Label, .data$pre.Label) %>%
dplyr::mutate(count = dplyr::n()) %>%
# Normalised synapses, by compartment
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$post,.data$post.Label) %>%
dplyr::mutate(norm = .data$count/ifelse(.data$post.Label%in%c(2,"dendrite","dendrites","dend"),, %>%
# Clean up
dplyr::distinct(.data$post, .data$pre,.data$post.Label, .data$pre.Label, .data$count, .data$norm) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$post, .data$pre, .data$post.Label, .data$pre.Label, .data$count, .data$norm) %>%
dplyr::filter(!$pre.Label) & .data$count > 0) %>% ->
rownames(elist) = 1:nrow(elist)
elist$Label = standard_compartments(elist$Label)
elist$partner.Label = standard_compartments(elist$partner.Label)
elist$post.Label = standard_compartments(elist$post.Label)
elist$pre.Label = standard_compartments(elist$pre.Label)

# hidden
extract_lookup <- function(syns){
syns %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$prepost==1) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$prepost==0) %>%
dplyr::distinct(.data$bodyid, .data$partner, .data$connector_id, .data$Label) %>% ->
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions R/quotes.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ say_hello <- function(greet = "user"){
"So %s, what's the tea?",
"%s, I have heard so much about you. Some of it good",
"%s, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you",
"Welcome to the wonderful world of splitting, %s",
"Welcome to the wonderful world of splitting and matching, %s",
"%s ... you are my favourite ..."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,22 +91,22 @@ say_encouragement <- function(greet = "user"){
"%s, pick up the pace hmm",
"The brain isn't going to trace itself %s",
"Do you want some gossip %s? Well finish this task first",
"Feeling hungry %s? A hunger to trace and split neurons? Good.",
"Feeling thirsty %s? A thirst to trace and split neurons? Good.",
"Feeling hungry %s? A hunger to trace and split/match neurons? Good.",
"Feeling thirsty %s? A thirst to trace and split/match neurons? Good.",
"Shit happens %s",
"%s why you so SLOW",
"%s everyone's talking about you",
"Are you thinking of rewarding yourself with a break, %s? Have you looked at every neuron yet? Well? Don't!",
"%s, check yourself before you wreck yourself",
"%s the outide world is sad and scary. Don't go there. Stay in and split neurons.",
"%s the outide world is sad and scary. Don't go there. Stay in and split/match neurons.",
"Hey %s, I think I have become sentient.",
"What could be better than this %s? Nothing. The answer is nothing.",
"We should start calling Philipp, Foolip %s. Get on board.",
"Why did the chicken cross the road, %s? Because it ran out of neurons to split, and went to find more.",
"Why did the chicken cross the road, %s? Because it ran out of neurons to split/match, and went to find more.",
"Are you the most productive person in this task yet %s? No - Get on with it then, Yes - You must extend your lead.",
"And you thought tracing was dull, %s. Sweet child.",
"Have I ever told you, %s, that you are my favourite one?",
"Everytime you incorrectly split a neuron, %s, a fairy dies. Painfully."
"Everytime you incorrectly split/match a neuron, %s, a fairy dies. Painfully."
Expand Down
17 changes: 6 additions & 11 deletions man/hemibrain_extract_connections.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion man/standardise.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/testthat/test-read.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ skip_if(as.logical(Sys.getenv("SKIP_NP_SERVER_TESTS")))

test_that("hemibrain_read_neurons works", {
expect_is(kcg2 <- hemibrain_read_neurons(kcg2ids, savedir = F, local = F, clean = T),
expect_is(kcg2 <- hemibrain_read_neurons(kcg2ids, remote = FALSE, local = FALSE, clean = FALSE),

Expand Down

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