A Responsive jQuery HTML Content Slider
I'm on Twitter: @Kevin Batdorf
Unbelievably easy to use. Custom build can yeild Less than 5kb (gzipped) Full build just under 6kb (gzipped) Integrates with Animate.css Powerful API
See here for further details and examples.
Add the CSS to the <head>
and optionally add animate.css as well.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/liquid-slider.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/animate.css">
Install the javascripts in the head or footer after jQuery and other scripts. Note that if you install in the footer, you can omit the $(function() {});
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="./js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>
<script src="./js/jquery.touchSwipe.min.js"></script>
<script src="./js/jquery.liquid-slider.min.js"></script>
The id (slider-id) should match the id of the content, as follows:
<div class="liquid-slider" id="slider-id">
<h2 class="title">Slide 1</h2>
<h2 class="title">Slide 2</h2>
Add as many slides as you like within the <div class="liquid-slider id="slider-id"></div>
One slide can be inside any element such as a section or a div:
<h2 class="title">A Slide</h2>
Default settings vary on custom builds
autoHeight: true,
minHeight: 0,
heightEaseDuration: 1000,
heightEaseFunction: "easeInOutExpo",
slideEaseDuration: 1000,
slideEaseFunction: "easeInOutExpo",
slideEaseFunctionFallback: "easeInOutExpo",
animateIn: "bounceInRight",
animateOut: "bounceOutRight",
continuous: true,
fadeInDuration: 500,
fadeOutDuration: 500,
autoSlide: false,
autoSlideDirection: 'right',
autoSlideInterval: 6000,
autoSlideControls: false,
autoSlideStartText: 'Start',
autoSlideStopText: 'Stop',
forceAutoSlide: false,
pauseOnHover: false,
dynamicArrows: true,
dynamicArrowsGraphical: true,
dynamicArrowLeftText: "« left",
dynamicArrowRightText: "right »",
hideSideArrows: false,
hideSideArrowsDuration: 750,
hoverArrows: true,
hoverArrowDuration: 250,
dynamicTabs: true,
dynamicTabsHtml: true,
includeTitle: true,
panelTitleSelector: "title",
dynamicTabsAlign: "left",
dynamicTabsPosition: "top",
firstPanelToLoad: 1,
navElementTag: "div",
crossLinks: false,
hashLinking: false,
hashTitleSelector: "title",
keyboardNavigation: false,
leftKey: 39,
rightKey: 37,
panelKeys: {
1: 49,
2: 50,
3: 51,
4: 52
responsive: true,
mobileNavigation: true,
mobileNavDefaultText: 'Menu',
mobileUIThreshold: 0,
hideArrowsWhenMobile: true,
hideArrowsThreshold: 0,
useCSSMaxWidth: 2200,
preload: function() {
onload: function() {},
pretransition: function() {
callback: function() {},
preloader: false,
swipe: true
Version 2.0.12
- Adds currentPanel class to the current panel
Version 2.0.11
- Had to revert a autoslide bug fix
Version 2.0.10
- Fixes how RegEx works (hashLinking)
- Fixes a bug when dynamic arrows is disabled (@joeworkman)
- Adds a fallback for animate.css when css not supported (@joeworkman)
- Fixes autoslide bug (@joeworkman)
Version 2.0.9
- Fixes a few of the problems with cross links
Version 2.0.8
- Changes the way the slider builds with fade
Version 2.0.7
- Fixes swipe bug
Version 2.0.6
- Fixes mobile width
Version 2.0.5
- Updates touchSwipe and allows user to add options (not documented though)
Version 2.0.4
- Changes how the slider downgrades to IE
Version 2.0.3
- Fixes a bug that didn't call pretransition when using animate.css
Version 2.0.2
- Fixes a bug that loses menu names in select box when includeTitle:false
Version 2.0.1
- Fixes auto height on resize bug
Version 2.0.0
- Completely rebuilt from the ground up
- New API
- Faster, smaller, more flexible
- Many, many new features
Version 1.3.7
- Overhauls the cross linking functionality
- Removes the hashCrossLinks setting.
- Contributed by @joeworkman
Version 1.3.6
- Fixes autoslide bug and callback functionality
- Updates website on jquery repository
Version 1.3.5
- Prepares code for new site launch
- Fixes a bug when hover arrows is disabled
Version 1.3.4
- Fixes a bug when using fade transitions
- Allows crossLinks to control multiple sliders
Version 1.3.3
- Fixes an autoslide bug
Version 1.3.2
- Fixes a hashLinking bug
Version 1.3.1
- Fixes a bug when using fade and swipe
Version 1.3.0
- Fixes how the current class is applied when nesting sliders
Version 1.2.9
- Fixes and updates the TouchSwipe settings and script
Version 1.2.8
- Fixes the way the preloader works when continuous is off
Version 1.2.7
- Fixes some bugs
Version 1.2.6
- Fixes a few minor bugs.
- Organizes code for upcoming custom build
Version 1.2.4 - 1.2.5
- Pushes new version # to jQuery repository.
Version 1.2.3
- Fixes a bug when using crosslinks on multible sliders wont apply the current class properly.
Version 1.2.2
- Fixes a bug where keyboard navigation fails.
Version 1.2.1
- Removes the depreciated $.browser() call.
- Fixes a bug when using hashNames that started the slider on the wrong panel.
Version 1.2.0
- Adapts a new semantic versioning system
- Adds touch functionality via touchSwipe (thanks @appzuka for recommending this plugin)
- Removes jQuery and included only the link to the CDN
- Replaces jQueryUI easing with the much lighter jQuery Easing plugin.