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Helm chart for Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security

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Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security Helm Chart

Getting started

Installing Helm

Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security components use the helm package manager for Kubernetes.

Helm 3 or later is supported when installing Trend Micro Cloud One - Container Security components. To get started, see the Helm installation guide.

Kubernetes Network Policies with Container Security Continuous Compliance

Container Security Continuous Compliance enforces policies by leveraging Kubernetes network policies to perform isolation mitigation. Network policies are implemented by the network plugin.

To install Container Security, a network plugin with NetworkPolicy support is required to allow for network isolation mitigation.

Note: If you are running Container Security in a Red Hat OpenShift environment, network isolation mitigation is only supported for pods whose security context is acceptable by oversight controller's SecurityContextConstraint. If you want to let Container Security isolate pods that are not allowed by default, you can use overrides.yaml to override the default setting.

By default, Container Security Continuous Compliance will create a Kubernetes network policy on your behalf. If you want to create it manually, follow the steps below:

  1. Change the value of cloudOne.oversight.enableNetworkPolicyCreation to false, as seen below:
      enableNetworkPolicyCreation: false
  1. Create a network policy with matchLabels set to trendmicro-cloud-one: isolate in your desired namespaces.
  kind: NetworkPolicy
    labels: trendmicro
    name: trendmicro-oversight-isolate-policy
        trendmicro-cloud-one: isolate
    - Ingress
    - Egress

Warning: The network policy with matchLabels trendmicro-cloud-one: isolate must exist in each application namespaces in order to perform proper isolation mitigation.

Registering Cluster with Trend Micro Container Security

There are two methods to register a cluster with Trend Micro Container Security:

  1. Manual Registration: Create a cluster in the Trend Micro Container Security console and obtain an API key or use the Public API to create a cluster and obtain an API key.
  2. Automated Registration: Use the Vision One API key to automatically register all clusters with Trend Micro Container Security.

Getting a Container Security API Key

To use the Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security components with your Kubernetes cluster an API key is required to be able to communicate with Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security.

To obtain an API key:

  1. Navigate to the Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security console using

  2. Go to Add a cluster.

  3. Give your Kubernetes cluster a unique name.

  4. Copy your API key, as it will be used during the installation process.

  5. It is recommended to create a api key secret as outlined in the Use Existing Secrets for API Key section.

Use Existing Secrets for API Key and Proxy Credentials

Use Existing Secrets for API Key

By default, the helm chart expects the api key to be provided through the cloudOne.APIKey helm value in the overrides.yaml file. This method creates an API key secret in the same namespace where the Container Security components are installed but can expose the API key in helm values.

It is recommended to use the useExistingSecrets.containerSecurityAuth: true option and create a secret in the same namespace where the Container Security components will be installed. The secret should be named trendmicro-container-security-auth with the key api.key set to the API key value. This will also allow automation of the api key secret creation and management.

kubectl create secret generic trendmicro-container-security-auth --from-literal
api.key=<container-security-api-key> --namespace <trendmicro-namespace>

Then, set the useExistingSecrets.containerSecurityAuth: true in the overrides.yaml file.

  containerSecurityAuth: true

Use Existing Secrets for Proxy Credentials

For more details on configuring a proxy, see the Configure Container Security to use a proxy section.

If you are outbound proxy for the Container Security components, you can also set the useExistingSecrets.outboundProxy: true in the overrides.yaml file and create a secret in the same namespace as chart installation. The secret should be named trendmicro-container-security-outbound-proxy-credentials. For secret format, see the Proxy Credentials Secret Template.

Using automated cluster registration

Trend Vision One Container Security users can configure automated cluster registration to automate the management of cluster lifecycle. This feature enables clusters to be automatically registered clusters with Trend Vision One Container Security when the Container Security is installed and unregistered when the Container Security is uninstalled. This also allows users to register multiple clusters with a single Vision One API key instead of manually registering each cluster.

To use automated cluster registration:

  1. Navigate to the Trend Micro Vision One console using

  2. Create a Vision One API Key with a role that contains only the "Automatically register cluster" permission

  3. Put the Vision One API Key into a secret called trendmicro-container-security-registration-key with the key registration.key in the same namespace where the Container Security components are installed.

  4. Install the Container Security Helm chart using the values cloudOne.clusterRegistrationKey: true and cloudOne.groupId=<your cluster group ID>. You can optionally define the cluster name by setting either cloudOne.clusterName or cloudOne.clusterNamePrefix, if these are not specified the name will be a random string. An existing policy can also be assigned to the cluster by setting cloudOne.policyId=<your policy ID>.

Override configuration defaults

Helm uses a file called values.yaml to set configuration defaults. You can find detailed documentation for each of the configuration options in this file.

You can override the defaults in this file by creating an overrides.yaml file and providing the location of this file as input during installation. The cloudOne.APIKey should be overridden in the overrides.yaml file.

Note: If you create a file to override the values, make sure to copy the structure from the chart's values.yaml file. You only need to provide the values that you are overriding.

Installing the Container Security Helm chart

  1. Create a file called overrides.yaml that will contain your cluster-specific settings. You can find these values in the Container Security console or Container Security API when creating a cluster. The Values.yaml file can be used as a reference when creating your overrides file.

  2. Use helm to install Container Security components with your cluster-specific settings. We recommend that you run Container Security in its own namespace.

To install Container Security chart into an existing Kubernetes namespace, use the --namespace flag with the helm install command:

  helm install \
    --values overrides.yaml \
    --namespace ${namespace} \
    trendmicro \

In the example below, we create a new namespace by using helm's --create-namespace option:

  helm install \
    --values overrides.yaml \
    --namespace trendmicro-system \
    --create-namespace \
    trendmicro \

For more information about helm install, see the Helm installation documentation.

Note: If you are running Container Security in a pure AWS EKS Fargate environment, you may need to adjust your Fargate profile to allow pods in a non-default namespace (ex: trendmicro-system) to be scheduled. See AWS documentation for more information on Fargate profiles.

Note: If you are running Container Security in a Red Hat OpenShift environment, the Helm Chart creates a Security Context Constraint to allow Container Security components to have the minimum security context requirements to run.

Note: If you are running Container Security in a cluster where Pod Security Admission is available and you have runtime security enabled, ensure the namespace where Container Security is installed is using the privileged Pod Security Standards policy.

Upgrade a Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security deployment

To upgrade an existing installation in the default Kubernetes namespace to the latest version:

  helm upgrade \
    --values overrides.yaml \
    --namespace ${namespace} \
    trendmicro \

Note: Helm will override or reset values in overrides.yaml. If you want to use the values you had previously, use the --reuse-values option during a Helm upgrade:

  helm upgrade \
    --namespace ${namespace} \
    --reuse-values \
    trendmicro \

Uninstall the Container Security Helm chart

You can delete all of the resources created by a helm chart using Helm's uninstall command:

Warning: helm uninstall and kubectl delete namespace are destructive commands, and will delete all of the associated resources.

  helm uninstall trendmicro --namespace ${namespace}

Use the helm list --all-namespaces command to list installed releases in all namespaces.

If you created a trendmicro-system namespace during install, and don't have any other components in the trendmicro-system namespace, you can delete the namespace by running kubectl delete namespace trendmicro-system.

By default, Container Security Continuous Compliance will create a Kubernetes network policy for you. The created network policies will be cleaned up, even if the chart is uninstalled. To clean them up, run:

  kubectl delete networkpolicy -l --all-namespaces

Warning: If you have running Pods that are isolated by a network policy, removing the network policy will give them network access again.


Advanced topics

Install a specific version of the Container Security helm chart

If you want to install a specific version you can use the archive link for the tagged release. For example, to install Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security helm chart version 2.6.2, run the following command:

  helm install \
    --values overrides.yaml \
    --namespace ${namespace} \
    --create-namespace \
    trendmicro \

Enabling or disabling a specific component

If desired, specifics components of the Container Security helm chart can be enabled or disabled individually using an overrides file. For example, you can choose to enable the runtime security component by including the below in your overrides.yaml file:

      enabled: true

Managing Container Security policies with Policy as Code

To learn more about managing Container Security policies with custom resources and policy operator, see the Policy as Code documentation.

Configure Container Security to use a proxy

You can configure Container Security to use either a socks5 proxy or http proxy by setting the httpsProxy value. For example, you can configure a socks5 proxy with authentication in your overrides.yaml file this way:

  httpsProxy: socks5://
  username: user
  password: password

For http proxy, you can configure it this way:

  username: user
  password: password

Runtime vulnerability scanning for OpenShift

On OpenShift, new namespaces created after installing container security need to be configured by upgrading container security to create RBAC resources and provide scanners in the new namespaces the required privileges.

When uninstalling the Trend Micro Helm chart, the associated ServiceAccounts and ClusterRoleBindings used to assign security context constraints to scanner pods will also be removed. To uninstall, run:

helm uninstall trendmicro -n trendmicro-system

Troubleshooting Installation Issues: If you encounter an error preventing the uninstallation of the Helm chart, run the following cleanup script to ensure all remaining resources are removed, run the following script with admin privileges:


After running the script, proceed with the Helm uninstall as usual.

Enable runtime security on AWS bottlerocket

You can run runtime security on AWS bottlerocket nodes by adding these configurations in your overrides.yaml file:

      allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
      privileged: true

Configure Runtime Container Interface

You can configure Container Security to customize container runtime interface. For example, you can specify a custom path:

      socket: "/run/cri/containerd.sock"

You can also configure a custom path for k0s or k3s. For example:

      socket: "/run/k0s/containerd.sock"

Add capabilities to runtime vulnerability scanner

Runtime vulnerability scanner needs the privilege to access all directories and files in an image. DAC_READ_SEARCH is needed when the file permissions do not allow scanner to access the files or directories in an image. In this case, you can add DAC_READ_SEARCH to the scanner's capabilities

        add: ["DAC_READ_SEARCH"]

Configure node selectors and tolerations for the Container Security components

To configure the scheduling of the Container Security components, you can set the nodeSelector and tolerations values in your overrides.yaml file:

  defaults: # Node selector applied to all components except scanner pods (see below) arm64

  admissionController: # Node selector applied to specific component amd64

  defaults: # Tolerations applied to all components except scanner pods (see below)
  - key:
    operator: Equal
    value: amd64
    effect: NoSchedule

  admissionController: # Tolerations applied to specific component
  - key:
    operator: Exists
    effect: NoSchedule

For scanner pods, since they run images from the pods being scanned, you can configure the scanner to inherit the node selectors and tolerations from the owner resource (ie. deployment, daemonset, pod, etc.):

  inheritNodeSelectorScanner: true # Inherit node selector from the owner resource (default: false)

  filterNodeSelectorScanner: # Only inherit node selector specified in the filter (default: all node selectors are inherited) amd64

  inheritTolerationsScanner: true # Inherit tolerations from the owner resource (default: false)

  filterTolerationsScanner: # Only inherit tolerations specified in the filter (default: all tolerations are inherited)
  - key:
    operator: Equal
    value: amd64
    effect: NoSchedule

Configuring logging for the Container Security components

You can configure the logging for all components by setting the logConfig value in your overrides.yaml file:

  logLevel: info # Sets the log verbosity level. Supported values are debug, info, and error. Overrides the logLevel set for each component
  logFormat: json # Sets the log encoder. Supported values are json and console
  stackTraceLevel: error # Sets the level above which stacktraces are captured. Supported values are info, error or panic
  timeEncoding: rfc3339 # Sets the time encoding format. Supported values are epoch, millis, nano, iso8601, rfc3339 or rfc3339nano

You can also configure the log level for each component individually by setting the logLevel value for the component in your overrides.yaml file:

    logLevel: debug

Configuring Falco event outputs

You can enable Falco event outputs to stdout or syslog by setting values under scout.falco in your overrides.yaml file:

    stdout_enabled: true # Enable stdout output for Falco events.
    syslog_enabled: true # Enable syslog output for Falco events

Note: Enabling stdout output will cause large amounts of logs to be generated. Enable these if the events are being consumed from the respective channel. Container security will only consume the events from the grpc channel.

Configuring Splunk HEC token for Falco Custom Rules

To learn more about configuring the Splunk HEC token for falco custom rules, see the Splunk HEC Secret docs here.

Least Privileged mode

Falco runs in full privileged mode by default. For the sake of security, you can enable least_privileged to make Falco to run in the least privileged mode. In this case, Falco will be non-privileged container with minimum capabilities added.

    least_privileged: true

Falco Version Matrix

The following matrix shows the Falco version that is bundled with each Helm chart version:

Helm Chart Version Falco Version
2.6.x 0.39.2
2.5.x 0.37.1
2.4.x 0.37.1
2.3.24 - 2.3.47 0.36.1
2.3.14 - 2.3.23 0.34.1


Access logs

Most issues can be investigated using the application logs. The logs can be accessed using kubectl.

  • Access the logs for the admission controller using the following command:
  kubectl logs deployment/trendmicro-admission-controller --namespace ${namespace}
  • Access the logs for the runtime security component using the following command, where container can be one of scout, or falco:
  kubectl logs daemonset/trendmicro-scout --namespace ${namespace} -c ${container}
  • Access the logs for Oversight controller (Continuous Compliance policy enforcement) using the following command:
  kubectl logs deployment/trendmicro-oversight-controller [controller-manager | rbac-proxy] --namespace ${namespace}
  • Access the logs for Usage controller using the following command:
  kubectl logs deployment/trendmicro-usage-controller [controller-manager | rbac-proxy] --namespace ${namespace}

Collect support logs

To help debug issues reported in support cases, a log collection script is provided for customer use.

To enable debug logging, set the logConfig.logLevel to debug in the overrides.yaml file and upgrade the helm chart.

  logLevel: debug

Gather logs using the following command:


The following environment variables are supported for log collection:

Environment variable Description Default
RELEASE Helm release name trendmicro
NAMESPACE The namespace that the helm chart is deployed in Current namespace declared in kubeconfig. If no namespace setting exists in kubeconfig, then trendmicro-system will be used.

Known Limitations

  1. Malware scanning is not supported in air-gapped environments.
  2. Malware scanning is not supported in ARM64 environments.