An attempt to improve the fidelity of zbase graphical set. Forked from Andy's (gravitystorm) repo, which has a few modifications to the models.
The upstream zbase project is at and
at the time of writing hasn't seen any changes in almost 2 years.
Devzone has been down for sometime, but zbasebuild v5588 is avaiable in
To create the .grf files for use in OpenTTD, you'll need the zbasebuild project. It comes with no documentation at all but here are some notes:
- download and place zbasebuild alongside this zbase folder
- download and place opengfx alongside both this zbase folder and zbasebuild folder
- Install nmlc from here.
- Install grfcodec from here.
I've had success with v0.3.1 on Ubuntu 12.04I've had success with 0.6.1 and Ubuntu 21.04 - all dependencies are packaged there (python-setuptools
). - cd zbasebuild and run
and wait for about an hour
zbase and gravitystorm/zbase is licensed under GPLv2, see COPYING
Thanks to the zbase authors, principally Zephyris