Created by Tomoaki Mitsuhashi, GitHub Page. Source code: Here.
Course Viewer
Auto-Schedule Generator
This project is for students at Westfield State University selecting the courses for future semesters with less work by utilizing various features, such as schedule visualization, filter course by various categories, etc.
The problem with the current process of selecting the courses through university website is that the amount of work and time that students need to take to find the courses that fit the student’s major/needs. This project’s objective is to reduce the process of selecting the courses for future semesters by offering a variety of features to the user.
- Filter courses by GE type, Lab/Online Lecture, Department.
- Schedule courses by getting input from the user, and visualize it.
- Schedule Auto-Generator would generate dream schedule for you from over thousands of permutions of schdule based on your needs.
- Time overlapped detector from the premade schedule by the user.
- Credit calculation, and some other simple calculation system that can be helpful to students.
- Save data when the app is closed (using the internal file in android).
- RateMyProfessors feature to view professors rating from students.
Available in future updates!
- Search courses by name, title, time range, etc.
- Complete Login feature using database.
Many first-year students are having a hard time searching for classes through the current website that the university offered. I was the one too, who didn’t know what to do, or where to go for searching classes. I don't want anybody to get through this pain again just for searching up courses.