Tommy's Comfy Screen Capturer 是一个特定的截图工具
- 区域选择:通过窗口捕获屏幕特定区域的画面。
- 本地 HTTP 服务:该工具包含一个内置的本地 HTTP 服务,为其他软件(如 ComfyUI)提供一个 URL,以通过 HTTP 请求实时获取捕获的截图。
- 固定在屏幕特定区域 可以通过图钉按钮进入固定状态,固定在特定区域并且不会阻挡鼠标点击,可以通过系统托盘菜单解锁
- Windows 10
本项目基于 木兰协议 v2 进行许可。详情请参阅 LICENSE 文件。
pnpm i
pnpm tauri dev
pnpm tauri build
Tommy's Comfy Screen Capturer is a specific screenshot tool.
- Area Selection: Capture specific areas of the screen through a window.
- Local HTTP Service: The tool includes a built-in local HTTP service that provides a URL for other software (such as ComfyUI) to fetch the captured screenshots via HTTP requests.
- Pin to Specific Area: You can pin the tool to a specific area of the screen using the pin button. It will stay in place without blocking mouse clicks and can be unlocked through the system tray menu.
This project is licensed under the Mulan PSL v2. See the LICENSE file for details.