This is a simple POC to see how feasible the Go language bindings are to use for configuration parsing.
➜ pkl-conf-loader git:(main) ✗ make run
go run main.go
"doc_confs": {
"test": {
"cap1": {
"configs": [
"name": "PRE_PROCESS",
"val": true,
"type": "boolean"
"name": "DOC_MAX_SIZE",
"val": "80mib",
"type": "size"
"name": "DOC_MIMES",
"val": "pdf,docx,jpg,heic",
"type": "csv"
"name": "doc_timeout",
"val": "15min",
"type": "duration"
"cap2": {
"configs": [
"name": "PRE_PROCESS",
"val": true,
"type": "boolean"
"name": "DOC_MAX_SIZE",
"val": "20mib",
"type": "size"
"name": "DOC_MIMES",
"val": "pdf,docx,jpg,heic",
"type": "csv"
"foo": "FOO"
doc config: {Foo:FOO DocConfigs:map[test:map[cap1:{Configs:[{Name:PRE_PROCESS Value:true ElemType:boolean} {Name:DOC_MAX_SIZE Value:80mib ElemType:size} {Name:DOC_MIMES Value:pdf,docx,jpg,heic ElemType:csv} {Name:doc_timeout Value:15min ElemType:duration}]} cap2:{Configs:[{Name:PRE_PROCESS Value:true ElemType:boolean} {Name:DOC_MAX_SIZE Value:20mib ElemType:size} {Name:DOC_MIMES Value:pdf,docx,jpg,heic ElemType:csv}]}]]}
from human size: 80000000
from human size to bytes: 83886080
duration: 15m0s