- 🚀 add support for array string in search params;
const routes = createNiceWebRoutes({
meeting: {
new: {},
routes.meeting.new.url({ memberIds: ['foo', 'bar', 'zoo'] }) // '/meeting/new?memberIds=foo&memberIds=bar&memberIds=zoo'
- 🚀 add setBaseRoute method to change base route after routes are created;
const routes = createObjectNiceWebRoutes(
home: {},
welcome: {},
{ parentRoute: '/en' }
routes.home.url(); // "/en/home"
routes.welcome.url(); // "/en/welcome"
routes.home.url(); // "/de/home"
routes.welcome.url(); // "/de/welcome"
- 🚧🔨 changed factories signature, now parentRoute and currentSegmentName should be passed as options object;
// before
const routes = createNiceWebRoutes(
home: {},
welcome: {},
// after
const routes = createNiceWebRoutes(
home: {},
welcome: {},
parentRoute: '/en',
currentSegmentName: '/some-segment',
- 🔨 configure esm modules;
Now here is cjs and esm directories with related module setup