TTRA is a lightweight algorithm reducing a time-series with a time omission.
It has been described in the Master's Thesis.
pip install ttra
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ttra import TTRA
# define minimal percentage change that should be detected by TTRA
PCT_CHANGE: float = 0.01
# let's take the inflation in Poland as an example
source: str = ""
# download and process data
inflation = pd.read_csv(source,encoding='ISO-8859-2',sep=';').sort_values(['Rok','Miesišc'])
inflation = inflation[inflation['Sposób prezentacji'] == 'Analogiczny miesišc poprzedniego roku = 100']
inflation = inflation['Warto�ć'].dropna().map(lambda x: x.replace(',','.')).astype(float)
inflation = inflation.iloc[-12*25:].reset_index(drop=True) # last 25 years only to not obscure the newest data
# initiate TTRA and reduce data with a given PCT_CHANGE
tr = TTRA(inflation)
reduced = tr.reduce(PCT_CHANGE)
# plot data, reduced data and an assumption of the current extremum
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.scatter(tr.a.Index, tr.a.x, s= 150 , color='black')