Note: The Repo is functional - many improvements coming soon!
Still a Work in Progress, PRs always welcome!
Looking for ASP.NET Core & Angular 2.x+ Universal starter? click here
- Web API
VueJS 2
- Vuex (State Store)
Webpack 2
- HMR (Hot Module Replacement/Reloading)
...more details to come...
- Typescript support
- as it's cool
- Default app
- bootstrap
- counter
- fetchdata
- navmenu
- Dotnet new
- make available as a nuget to easily use in 'dotnet new'
- Fork and Clone repo
yarn install && webpack
- Hit
in VSCode or Visual Studio - Enjoy :)
- Get Chrome DevTools for Vue here
Nothing's ever perfect, but please let me know by creating an issue (make sure there isn't an existing one about it already), and we'll try and work out a fix for it! If you have any good ideas, or want to contribute, feel free to either make an Issue with the Proposal, or just make a PR from your Fork.
Many thanks go out to Steve Sanderson (@SteveSandersonMS) from Microsoft and his amazing work on JavaScriptServices and integrating the world of Node with ASP.NET Core.