zendesk_remote_auth is a simple gem providing help with Zendesk’s SSO functionality (see
Install: gem install zendesk_remote_auth
You will need to give the gem your token and authentication url, perhaps in an initializer:
Zendesk::RemoteAuth.token = 'YOUR-TOKEN' Zendesk::RemoteAuth.auth_url = ''
and config the gem in environment.rb (if using rails):
config.gem 'zendesk_remote_auth'
Note: The latest release requires ActiveSupport 3.0 or greater.
Mixin the Zendesk::RemoteAuthHelper module wherever needed, then call:
zendesk_remote_auth_url(:name => 'user name', :email => 'user email', <optional params>)
This will return a url you can redirect the user to to log them in to your zendesk account.
As a convenience, you can pass a user object to zendesk_remote_auth_url:
This user must respond_to? :name and :email, and its :id will be used as the :external_id (making it useless with user objects that return an ephemeral object_id, but works well with ActiveRecord and the like). If the user object responds to :zendesk_organization, that will be used as the :organization for the call.
This method will generate and include the hash of the parameters for you if necessary.
Here is an example controller that handles login and logout for zendesk:
# Uses restful-authentication style auth. # # Define the following in routes.rb: # map.with_options :controller => 'zendesk_auth' do |zd| # zd.connect '/zendesk/authorize', :action => 'authorize' # zd.connect '/zendesk/logout', :action => 'logout' # end class ZendeskAuthController < ApplicationController include Zendesk::RemoteAuthHelper skip_before_filter :login_required, :only => :logout def authorize redirect_to zendesk_remote_auth_url(current_user) end def logout redirect_to logout_url end protected def login_required if !logged_in? flash[:notice] = 'You must log in to access the support site.' store_location redirect_to login_path end end end
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Copyright © 2011 Tobias Crawley. See LICENSE for details.