The repository of a project conducted at DTU in course 31015 by:
- Tjark Petersen
- Steffan Martin Kunoy
- Victor Alexander Hansen
This project presents a telemetry system for the DTU Roadrunners solar car. The software and hardware developed for the telemetry system provides a two-way communication between the solar car and a support vehicle. The solar car module can read data from the CAN bus, store it locally in a black box and stream it to the support vehicle. In return the support vehicle can send commands to the solar car. All messages are secured with an RSA encryption. A graphical user interface enables the user to stream the CAN data and send commands. In addition, support for a simple UDP network stream was also implemented which can for instance be accessed in Matlab.
A provisional hardware setup of the solar car and support vehicle modules was implemented using two Teensy microcontrollers on perfboards. A range test of the two modules had a successful and reliable transmission distance of up to around 160 m. While this does not satisfy the original goal of 400 m - 1000 m, the final solution is concluded to have a good communication chain design between the solar car and support vehicle modules, and can be readily improved upon to support a longer transmission distance.
The code for the two microcontrollers can be found in the Firmware folder. The code for the user interface is located in the TelemetryUI folder.
An example showing how to access the UDP stream in Matlab is shown here.
The paper connected to the project can be found here and a project poster can be found here.
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