Create a URL shortener/bookmarking site with Django.
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
- Extrapolate from current Django projects to build a new project of substantial size and features
- Determine which model field types to use to represent data
- Translate English descriptions of data queries into Django ORM queries
- Make use of Bootstrap and hand-written CSS to style your application
- Select generic views from Django to speed development
- Protect access and choose behavior based on user status
- A Git repo called urly-bird containing at least:
file explaining how to run your project- a
file - a Django project
- No PEP8 or Pyflakes warnings or errors
Create a Django project for a bookmarking site. Users can save URLs with a title and an optional description.
Each bookmark should have a unique code -- something like "x1yrd3a" -- for use in looking it up later. Create a route like "/b/{code}" that will redirect any user -- not just logged in users -- to the bookmark associated with that code. The route does not have to look just like the example.
When a user -- anonymous or logged in -- uses a bookmark URL, record that user, bookmark, and timestamp. A suggested name for this model is Click, even though you can navigate to the URL without a click by entering it in your navigation bar.
The site should have user registration, login, and logout.
On a logged in user's index page, they should see a list of the bookmarks they've saved in reverse chronological order. The bookmark links should use the internal short-code route, not the original URL. From this page, they should be able to edit and delete bookmarks.
A user's bookmark page should be public. When viewing a user's bookmark page when not that user, the links to edit and delete bookmarks should not show up.
There should also be a page to view all bookmarks for all users in reverse chronological order, paginated.
These features are restated in the following list:
- Users can create an account, log in, and log out.
- Users can save a URL as a bookmark with a title and an optional description.
- Users can see all their bookmarks in reverse chronological order.
- Users can edit and delete their own bookmarks.
- Users can see all the bookmarks for another user in reverse chronological order.
- Users can see all the bookmarks for all users in reverse chronological order.
- Users can access a bookmark through a URL with a short code, allowing them to share bookmarks.
- When a user accesses a bookmark, the access is recorded with the bookmark, the user -- or anonymous user -- and the timestamp.
- Hashids. These may be useful for creating short URLs.