I recently struggled by findig a good and fast installation manual for Klipper with this combination. Also, I recently setup HomeAssitant aka HASS (HAssOS) and want to integrate it there.
- You will need somethink like a RasPi (Raspberry Pi), i use a 3B+ with 8 GB microSD Card.
- Your SWX1 touch display is no longer useful.
- Decide which platform to use:
- Mainsail (nice UI) [this manual]
- Octoprint (common but overpacked - not described here)
- Fluidd (didn't looked at - not descripbed here)
In short: Mainsail is the Frontend (UI) and MainsailOS is a complete OS for RasPi (Operating System, Klipper, Moonraker, Mainsail) For more Details: https://docs.mainsail.xyz/
A FDM 3D printer firmware like Marlin, just with a lot of benefits.
Steps 1 to 4 are according to the MainsailOS installation guide.
With step 5 we start with SWX1 specials and varying a bit from the manual.
This is important, because from Klipper v0.9.x to v0.10.0 are some important changes for the printers.cfg
Head to https://github.com/mainsail-crew/MainsailOS/releases and download the lastest Relase. Use the .zip-file or feel free to compile yourselfs. I used v0.5.0 wich comes with:
- Klipper: v0.9.1-743-g95047784
- Moonraker: v0.7.1-41-g2450534
- Mainsail: v2.0.0 At this moment there was already Klipper v0.10.0 and Mainsail v2.1.0, buz no problem, with MainsailOS it's super easy to update all components. Unpack the .zip-file and you get something like "mainsailos-raspios-lite-latest.img".
Install the image to the microSD card. All data will be deleted. Use e.g. balenaEtcher or Raspberry Pi Imager see: https://docs.mainsail.xyz/setup/mainsail-os
When used balenaEtcher, don't forget to manually set WiFi and check if SSH-file exist -> https://docs.mainsail.xyz/setup/mainsailos/balena-etcher
- Turn RasPi, printer off
- Insert SD into RasPi
- Connect WebCam (if u use one) with RasPi
- Connect SWX1 via USB Port on the right side to the RasPi
- PowerUp Raspi
- Wait until you can find & reach it (http://mainsail/ or http://mainsail.local/ or check the IP manually at the router's interface)
Now you see the plain Mainsail Frontend. The error is no problem and will be fixed soon.
Go to "Machine" and update:
- "klipper"
- "moonraker"
- "mainsail"
- "System"
This may take a while. In the meanwhile you may install a terminal programm you want to, e.g.:
- PuTTY or
- Tera Term or
- WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
I use PuTTY. When the updates are finished, it looks like this
Click on
and add the new file - if not present -
and click create.
Click on printer.cfg
and copy these 3 lines. This is important, to include the mainsail.cfg.
[include mainsail.cfg]
Then we need the Sidewinder X1 specific configs. There is a Repo with some configs. I forked it added the changes for Klipper v0.10.0 Open https://github.com/tispokes/Clanks-Klipper-Configs in a new tab.
Choose the config that suits your SWX1. There a serveral options:
- SideWinder X1 BLTouch E3D Hemera.cfg -> BLTouch & Hemera Extruder, max 325 °C
- SideWinder X1 BLTouch E3D Thermistor.cfg -> BLTouch & E3D Thermistor
- SideWinder X1 BLTouch.cfg -> BLTouch
- SideWinder X1 Stock MBL.cfg -> Manual Bed Leveling
- SideWinder X1 Stock.cfg -> Stock
- SideWinder X1 Z-Endstop.cfg -> Z-Endstop as Bed Lever
Click on the file you need and then click on RAW
Select & copy all the text (Ctrl-A; Ctrl-C) and paste it into you
after #SWX1
If you are interested in the difference between Klipper v0.9.x and v0.10.0 -> see: https://github.com/tispokes/Clanks-Klipper-Configs/commit/334f693c54555fcc70fdc5e86cf304bbb6e66e51
Your config should look like this now.
For me, I had the problem, that the BLTouch did not worked properly.
I have had these two errors all the way.
After checking the docs (https://www.klipper3d.org/BLTouch.html) and checking the pin out, I realized that the config was wrong i took from https://github.com/Clank50AE/Clanks-Klipper-Configs
Here the pin out for my BLTouch config:
Better image quality: https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-GEN_L/blob/master/hardware/MKS%20Gen_L%20V1.0_008/MKS%20Gen_L%20V1.0_008%20PIN.pdf
I use the "Z-min" configuration and there we have to look for the yellow (control) and white (sensor) pins.
As seen on the pin out, yellow (D11) and white (D18).
The old config had ar11
for control pin, and ar19
for sensor pin. Changed this to ar18
and it's working fine now.
Search for bltouch
in the printer.cfg
You have to set set the correct offset of the BLTouch, in my case X +38; Y -12 mm
Z offset we will do later on.
The nozzle is the zero point for this measurement.
Printbed top view:
| |
L | (+) | R
E | | I
F | (-) N (+) | G <- Nozzle as measurement center for probe offset
T | P | H <- Probe (BLTouch) offset
| (-) | T
| |
Y / X -->
Now click "Save & Restart"
Open your favorite terminal programm e.g. PuTTY and connect to the printer. just fill in mainsailos
and hit "Open".
Default username is pi
and password raspberry
If it't your first time with a terminal, you can't see passwords you type in.
No worries, unless you are not routing it from the outside it's just reachable inside your home network. But always better to change the password as mentioned from the prompt .
Follow these instructions, if you want to.
Copy and paste (rightclick, no ctrl-v in PuTTY) this line
cd klipper; make menuconfig; make clean; make
and press return.
This mask will appear and you have to check (spacebar) the Enable extra low-level configuration options
The rest should be set correctly and check that you have the same settings as me.
Quit (Esc) and Save (y). Now the firmware is being compiled.
Nice, done!
When there is only one line, like in the picture execute this command
PRINTER=$(ls /dev/serial/by-id/*)
When you have multiple lines, mark the representative line. In my example /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0
. When using PuTTY, it's instant in your clipboard. Then
paste your clipboard without spaces before.
If you have a different address then mine, you have to fix it in the printers.cfg
as well.
#make sure this reflects your serial port you found when flashing klipper
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0
avrdude -patmega2560 -cwiring -P $PRINTER -F -Uflash:r:dump.hex:i
Simply type (better copy ;-) )
sudo service klipper stop
sudo service klipper start
Press "Restart" in your Mainsail web interface and wait some seconds.
Follow this capitel: https://www.klipper3d.org/BLTouch.html#initial-tests
Depends on what Bedlevel you use. unfinished, coming soon Z-Offset More Details: https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/blob/master/docs/Probe_Calibrate.md
Comming soon