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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

⚖️ balance
:balance_scale: balance
Anything dealing with balance
📊 spreadsheet
:bar_chart: spreadsheet
Anything dealing with spreadsheets
📚 documentation
:books: documentation
Documentation related things
👀 UI
:eyes: UI
User Interactions with the game
💡 feature
💡 feature
New feature or request
💾 code
:floppy_disk: code
Anything dealing with code
🏠 mapping
:house: mapping
Anything related to mapping
Priority: Critical
Priority: Critical
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
🌈 sprites
:rainbow: sprites
Anything dealing with sprites, images, or icons
♻️ cleanup
:recycle: cleanup
Refactoring code, cleaning up a map or sprites, or just redoing something better
:skull: FUCK
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former
🐌 bug
:snail: bug
Something isn't working
✅ test
:white_check_mark: test
Unit tests or just simple testing